The Scene: Aboard the Presidential Jet AIRFORCE ONE at 35,000 feet over Georgia. The Capital riots fresh in the minds of the world.
trump has invited Senator Lindsey Graham (R – South Carolina) for his first time aboard the luxury airliner. Graham stated ‘Enough is Enough’ after the riots. trump and Graham are reclined on the vast Presidential bed discussing plans over two cans of diet coke – with ice.
trump: ‘Lindsey, when I’m out of the oval office I want your continued support for my family’
Graham: ‘Yes Mr President’
trump: ‘Look, I wasted 3 sperms on my boys and Ivanka is brain dead. Lara is thick as shit but if we all get behind her we could make her the first woman President’
Graham: ‘You’re a genius Mr President’
trump: ‘I’ll be pulling her strings of course. She only ever wants to paint her face. She’ll use the nuclear football as a make-up bag’
Graham: ‘I’ll follow you until Armageddon Mr President’
trump: ‘Thank you Lindsey. I know I can always count on you’
Graham: ‘Mr President, may I suck your cock’
trump smiles.
trump: ‘Later Lindsey, later. When they dim the lights’
One day after the trump impeachment trial, Lindsey Graham announces Lara trump as new face of the Retrumplican Party.
American Politics – sooooo much more comical than the Houses of Parliament.
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