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9 December, 2018 at 8:02 am #1110410
like drugs ..thsi is only going to slowly get worse . brought up in east end as a kid we knew about gangs .knives , bicycle chains etc luckily out parents had very strong discipline and we knew not to get caught carrying anything that could hurt somebody else even though. at time fearful of own safety. society will continue to degrade over time with respect for each other and selfish attitudes coming to fore. Lack of care. respect are often cited but many underlying causes not tackled or not possible. eg over population. that fact alone is a major driving force where excess. people in too small an area causes friction. just one of many areas . other are religion .peer group pressure etc no easy answers .
I agree H, this country is densely populated in some areas and over populated in general, we are an island and unfortunately we can’t build an extension, we could go up more but not everyone wants to live in Tokyo mark 2. I think old people sometimes get ‘ respect’ and ‘polite’ intertwined and mixed up. Respect is earned not a god given right ( to coin a phrase). Everyone deserves some degree of respect for actions or deeds they may have done or participated in, work, wars, charities, helping the poor etc, also people should respect the fact that others are entitled to their own opinion, not just necessarily respect the person for having them. Recently the police were called to a local McDonalds locally where a large group of teenagers , at a guess between 13 and 15 in my opinion, had gradually gathered. They weren’t doing anything wrong, maybe a tad noisy in a playful way with each other, they just wanted to hang out with each other . Not so bad in summer, but it was cold and wet. The problem is they have NOWHERE to go. The social clubs and centres of yesteryear are gone, non existent , all closed, the first to go on the list of never ending cuts to social care, so unless a community gets together and finds some sort of hang out village hall, supervise and organise it voluntarily, that doesn’t cost the kids a fortune, they will never return. To pour salt on the wound the vast majority of council owned buildings are empty most nights, a token cost of a couple of quid to cover electric and heat could be a perfect answer, but no, the kids were treated quite nastily and told to disperse. Don’t understand how old people can hold young people back ? Also a hugely sweeping generalisation lol. My son is polite to older people he doesn’t know, and those he does, however I don’t agree old people deserve respect just for being old !!
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