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27 November, 2018 at 7:06 pm #1110044
Moo, it’s on display until 31 January 2019.
27 November, 2018 at 7:17 pm #1110045Oh brill, deffo going to get in and see it !! cheers Sophs x
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7 December, 2018 at 7:41 pm #1110355Sophs, went into Liverpool today and saw the Angel of Knives, really impressive and the close up detail was amazing…..
It was BITTER COLD though, wind bit right through you !!
Someone was cosy n warm tho ….
7 December, 2018 at 8:46 pm #1110361Aw lovely pics.The angel of knives is amazing.Thanks for the pics.
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7 December, 2018 at 9:29 pm #1110362Brilliant isnt it Mooo.Love the pics. I pass it most days collecting the grandaughter from school. Some of those knives have words engraved on them. Should have gone inside the cathedral cafe for a steaming hot cuppa . It was baltic today hailstones, the works!!! Little one looks all snuggly and well wrapped up. I spent the morning having blood tests then hanging around the vet with the mogg another £55 !! for cat toothpaste and steriod cream for his rash grrrrrrr.
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7 December, 2018 at 9:37 pm #1110363Vet last tuesday 115 quid for a week of A/B’s, shampoo and a nail cut !!!
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7 December, 2018 at 9:48 pm #11103648 December, 2018 at 9:26 am #1110369like drugs ..thsi is only going to slowly get worse . brought up in east end as a kid we knew about gangs .knives , bicycle chains etc luckily out parents had very strong discipline and we knew not to get caught carrying anything that could hurt somebody else even though. at time fearful of own safety. society will continue to degrade over time with respect for each other and selfish attitudes coming to fore. Lack of care. respect are often cited but many underlying causes not tackled or not possible. eg over population. that fact alone is a major driving force where excess. people in too small an area causes friction. just one of many areas . other are religion .peer group pressure etc no easy answers .
8 December, 2018 at 11:11 am #1110371H,
I remember my dad using much the same language when I was a kid (Mods and Rockers rioting in Clacton). Everyone young complains about oldies holding them back; every coffin dodger like you and me complain about the young showing them no respect.
This country is densely populated, not over-populated. It has been for a long time now.
But one thing I do agree with you is that there are no easy answers.
8 December, 2018 at 11:25 pm #1110402Apparantly they’ve tackled it in Glasgow and the knife crime figures have halved. Don’t know all the details but where kids are being bullied into joining gangs they’ve moved the family away. Taken them out of the situation. More to it I know, may be worth looking into what’s working for them ?
So I looked in to it a bit more.
IN 2005 the World Health Organisation branded Glasgow the murder capital of Europe, But since then, knife crime has plummeted. The number of people admitted to the city’s hospitals for slashes and stab wounds fell by 65% between 2004-05 and 2016-17.
Knife crime in England and Wales has risen by 54% in the past three years.
In Glasgow in 2005 the Police established a Violence Reduction Unit (VRU).ramping up stop-and-search while toughening the law on knives. Between 2006 and 2015, the average sentence for carrying a knife more than tripled, to over a year. But the VRU combined this no-nonsense policing with a “public health” approach to violence. Officers saw that Glasgow’s roughest areas were also its poorest, with the highest rates of addiction, domestic abuse and teenage pregnancy. Violence was recast as a symptom of such ills.
Early intervention became the mantra of the VRU, which linked policing to social work, education and employment. The unit seeks out victims of violence in hospitals to help them find counselling and places to stay. It also partners with charities that teach children not to carry knives. New education policies, which reduced school exclusions, helped such work.
The VRU’s greatest feat, has simply been finding listless young men things to do. In the beginning these included a night-time football league in Glasgow’s east end, held during the peak hours for gang violence. Today it helps them find jobs with businesses willing to take on workers with a criminal record. -
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