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  • #2864



    My heart beat, slower and slower
    As my blood thickened
    My body grew limp
    As though shot with a tranquiliser
    My eyes drew heavy
    As though laden with weights
    Clouds closed in
    So to swallow the light
    My end was close
    Drawing nearer and nearer
    Just as my book was set to shut
    I was inhaling my final breathe
    Then breaking through the darkness
    A beam of light shone through
    A glimmering star fell down
    Landing by my side
    I gazed over to see
    A wondrous sight before me
    An Angelic figurine
    She took hold of my hand
    Her voice harmonic
    She spoke to me of family
    Of my true friends
    Uttered words of wisdom
    My work had just begun
    Leaning over me she whispered
    ‘It is not your time’
    With these words she kissed me
    With the kiss came an eternity
    A blink of my eyes
    A thump of my heart
    I awoke
    Paramedics beside me
    My new life had begun
    I shall never forget that moment
    That dream
    That Angelic kiss



    That’s lovely oss…..would be a nice thought if that’s wot happened eh xx



    Yes it would be Angel darlin xxx


    Ahhh…beautiful, being kissed by an “angel” is a treat! :lol:




    Well there is alot of Angels around these here places, so thought i best write another one today about them :wink:


    Beautiful poem Oss



    Cheers Stevenage darlin x


    Nice Oss, liked that one :D



    CHeers Robyn :D

    and nice poem Ruby darlin :D


    Lovely poem Rubes 8) xx

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