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  • #361417

    And when i was young someone stole my mice (24 of them) from a hutch in the back yard and drown the lot but then some people just want a fucking good kicking


    So we can establish that we are indeed a nation of barbarous c**ts, only more stealthy and devious than our oriental friends. :twisted:


    Deliberate acts of animal cruelty are not dealt with toughly enough in this country.

    Im not talking meat to eat, but kids and sometimes adults (infact most of the time) neglecting and mistreating pets is more rife now than ever. Ive seen some sights I never EVER want to see again.

    I dont like this can of worms Ive opened, although it is thought provoking, its hard to stomach.

    Esme, I wish you’d been around when we were discussing factory farming etc, your imput would have been great (and challenging too!). It may have been when you were poorly mind.


    Nah,Shazza, ya wouldn’t like me when I turn angry…


    It’s a good thread Shazz and I haven’t cried

    (thankfully no one’s mentioned Todd Rundgren yet….)


    ….steps away from the crazy lady….

    No, I dont think I could ever hate you. I try and keep to a basic rule when on the net and that is to argue with the points made and not the person making them. And another rule is you can never see the emotion of what is behind ones words/posts, the curse of the typed word. Ive come a cropper with that one a few times

    Yes, Ive let myself down a few times on both them points, Im not perfect, but generally that is what I try and stick to.

    I also bear in mind it would be difficult to hate somebody I have never met, lifes short and all that stuff. 8)

    Just dont turn green now… :wink:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    ….steps away from the crazy lady….

    No, I dont think I could ever hate you. I try and keep to a basic rule when on the net and that is to argue with the points made and not the person making them. And another rule is you can never see the emotion of what is behind ones words/posts, the curse of the typed word. Ive come a cropper with that one a few times

    Yes, Ive let myself down a few times on both them points, Im not perfect, but generally that is what I try and stick to.

    I also bear in mind it would be difficult to hate somebody I have never met, lifes short and all that stuff. 8)

    Just dont turn green now… :wink:

    I was only being flippant..after all it would be impossible to harbour any feelings for Esme other than of adoration and devotion. 8)


    @toybulldog wrote:

    It’s a good thread Shazz and I haven’t cried

    (thankfully no one’s mentioned Todd Rundgren yet….)

    I’ll deal with YOU later! :twisted:


    @pete wrote:

    And when i was young someone stole my mice (24 of them) from a hutch in the back yard and drown the lot but then some people just want a fucking good kicking


    Keeping mice in cages. I’ve heard it all now…. :lol:


    Hutch or are they taking the piss in dutch pet shops :wink:

Viewing 10 posts - 71 through 80 (of 123 total)

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