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  • #361357

    Even fake fur isnt 100% free of animal fur. It has been known to contain dog or cat hair. While the demand for a product is there, there will always be suppliers willing to do whatever they can to have a share in the multi-million pound market. Personally I would drag every fashion designer that used the fur in their designs, and every person willing to wear it, to a country and watch their fur coat being made from start to finish, then see if they have any morals. Cruelty happens on a daily basis, many choose to stay blinkered.


    didnt someone once design an advert that showed a woman in a fur coat with the slogan
    it took 10 cows to make this
    but only one to wear it.

    something like that anyway………..and there was a huge outcry and the billboards had to be removed.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    Just seen one of those things that’ll hit me later because it’s hard to believe it was real I have no vast objection to some people eating dog and cat how could i, i eat meat and just because they’re domestic pets here doesnt mean they have to be elsewhere and i guess where 5% of the worlds population have only 7% of the worlds arable land traditionally any source of food was neccesary, but to treat any animal in this way is unforgivable. The video clip points out that its said that theres a connection between the way a country treats it animals and how it treats it population

    the link is there but i dont recommend clicking on it and i’d pledge £2 a month to killing any twat who can treat any living creature like that

    I cant click it Pete, Ive seen enough today. If its anything like Ive seen before on documentaries about the chinese etc, I know exactly what it will contain, and really dont wish to be further upset.

    I wish Id never seen what I saw, and wish Id never started this thread, Im really regretting it! :cry:

    thats why i said i wouldnt recommend it didnt see the tv prog but i’d bet this is worse especially the end. Three things in my life have hit me later reaction wise first was a mate getting killed on the railway didnt really hit home till that evening the second was the beheading of that American in Iraq (i ddint think it’d be real) and now that clip the end is horrendous


    “It takes 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat… but only one to wear it”


    And if demand creates supply we can mainly blame women for the fur trade


    Absolutely. 100% agree. I see nothing fashionable about wearing a dead animal. Many do. If I wanted to stroke animal fur that badly, I would have a pet.


    Dont get a mink Cherry they bite :shock:


    @pete wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    Just seen one of those things that’ll hit me later because it’s hard to believe it was real I have no vast objection to some people eating dog and cat how could i, i eat meat and just because they’re domestic pets here doesnt mean they have to be elsewhere and i guess where 5% of the worlds population have only 7% of the worlds arable land traditionally any source of food was neccesary, but to treat any animal in this way is unforgivable. The video clip points out that its said that theres a connection between the way a country treats it animals and how it treats it population

    the link is there but i dont recommend clicking on it and i’d pledge £2 a month to killing any twat who can treat any living creature like that

    I cant click it Pete, Ive seen enough today. If its anything like Ive seen before on documentaries about the chinese etc, I know exactly what it will contain, and really dont wish to be further upset.

    I wish Id never seen what I saw, and wish Id never started this thread, Im really regretting it! :cry:

    thats why i said i wouldnt recommend it didnt see the tv prog but i’d bet this is worse especially the end. Three things in my life have hit me later reaction wise first was a mate getting killed on the railway didnt really hit home till that evening the second was the beheading of that American in Iraq (i ddint think it’d be real) and now that clip the end is horrendous

    I think I saw that clip, though I was lead to believe they were chechneyen or whatever they are… the one where they slit his throat? If its the same, the noise was horrific and that still haunts me to this day, especially as there were others laid down next to him awaiting the same fate.

    I dont think it was fake, it seemed far to graphic and real.

    Mankind will truelly be the death of this planet.

    Your like me Pete…. I re-run things in my head time and time again.

    Then again, I would have to question my own morals if I were not affected, but some can cope better than others.

    That poor dog will be the last thing I think of when I sleep tonight. :twisted:


    It was the American the first one taken in Iraq no sound but that made it worse really
    Dont think i’ll ever not shudder at the final images on that link it’s not something i’ll ever forget


    Jesus there are some fecked up peps out there ! I’m not one for telling peps how they should live and if they wana eat dogs fair enough but for fecks sake skinning them alive is so wrong on every bloody level.
    But then again giving perfectly healthy chimps are given aids then they try to cure them in this country and thats fecked up as well it just happens behind closed doors so we dont see it.

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