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  • #183066


    I hold no descriminations – i mean ALL – i just wish it would end – if you were both my kids i would of banged yer heads together by now.

    You both don’t get long so stay out of each others way. If for one second one of you was big enough to ignore the other then it would fizzle out.

    And the other person you refer to is yes a good friend of mine and can be head strong. Not her best trait i admit – but whilst i am saying this please take a long look at yourself.

    At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what i or anyone else says to you or her or anyone else come to think of it.

    We are our worst critics – so please take a look, and realise your not blameless in this.

    Please do not turn this into an arguement. Cos it is one this i am trying to avoid these days thankyou.

    Ps i aint perfick either :? ( don’t believe i just said that bleedin hell – but i is bloody good lookin though :lol: :lol: )


    @jigsy wrote:

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    @jigsy wrote:

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    I think the fighting has spilled all over the boards to such an extent that many
    people don’t want to post here at all. So they leave, and any new visitors
    seeing the fighting everywhere daren’t post.
    I’m not the only one that thinks this as the poll suggests.

    Im sure you arnt, but JustChat didnt become second most popular chat site when googled because people dare not view or post.

    JustChat is third on Google if you type in ‘chat rooms’. But if you type in
    ‘message boards’ JC doesn’t get a mention.
    The majority of people using the JC chatrooms are unaware of the boards.

    They must not be very observant, its right there on the home page, right across the top, in a very pretty color blue.

    Of course I can only speak from personal experience, whenever the
    boards are mentioned in the chatroom there’s always people asking
    “what boards?”
    Most people arrive at JC for the first time because they’re looking for a
    chatroom, and once they’ve found it that’s where they always go.



    @jigsy wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    I hold no descriminations – i mean ALL – i just wish it would end – if you were both my kids i would of banged yer heads together by now.

    You both don’t get long so stay out of each others way. If for one second one of you was big enough to ignore the other then it would fizzle out.

    And the other person you refer to is yes a good friend of mine and can be head strong. Not her best trait i admit – but whilst i am saying this please take a long look at yourself.

    At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what i or anyone else says to you or her or anyone else come to think of it.

    We are our worst critics – so please take a look, and realise your not blameless in this.

    Please do not turn this into an arguement. Cos it is one this i am trying to avoid these days thankyou.

    Ps i aint perfick either :? ( don’t believe i just said that bleedin hell – but i is bloody good lookin though :lol: :lol: )

    Awwwww :cry: my heart is doing flops now. Oss thats so sweet, you must be well focused on the BJ you are going to be getting :wink: [-X and shame on you Geoff for thinking you are blameless, you should know better. hehe

    i’m getting a BJ ffs i am always the last to know these things ffs.

    You are a real pish taker Jigsy darlin – i do find it funny.

    Hope you are well darlin, and having a wonderful day :lol:


    When I first came here I always went to the chatrooms without really
    bothering to read the intro page. It was a long time before I found the
    I can’t remember how the boards became known to me, whether I was
    told about them or stumbled across them.
    Perhaps we have the seeds of another poll?



    @geoff wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    I hold no descriminations – i mean ALL – i just wish it would end – if you were both my kids i would of banged yer heads together by now.

    You both don’t get long so stay out of each others way. If for one second one of you was big enough to ignore the other then it would fizzle out.

    And the other person you refer to is yes a good friend of mine and can be head strong. Not her best trait i admit – but whilst i am saying this please take a long look at yourself.

    At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what i or anyone else says to you or her or anyone else come to think of it.

    We are our worst critics – so please take a look, and realise your not blameless in this.

    Please do not turn this into an arguement. Cos it is one this i am trying to avoid these days thankyou.

    Ps i aint perfick either :? ( don’t believe i just said that bleedin hell – but i is bloody good lookin though :lol: :lol: )

    Perhaps if you kept private messages just that instead of going back to the source with them you’d help by stopping inflaming matters?

    I have no need to ‘take a long look at myself’ matey. If she or frog or whoever else want to ger pro active and dig and whine and moan and grizzle at me, fine, I’ll react. Why shouldn’t I? These stupid non entities often come back with total shock and surprise at being answered back. I suggest you ask your madam to take a long look at herself and stop being a bloody hypocrite pal.

    You just couldn’t come back and say okay – or let bigons be bigons – you have a go at me ffs – why i bother to try and mend bridges bewilders me – but oh well

    Have a nice day now Geoff mate, keep smiling



    @geoff wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    @geoff wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    I hold no descriminations – i mean ALL – i just wish it would end – if you were both my kids i would of banged yer heads together by now.

    You both don’t get long so stay out of each others way. If for one second one of you was big enough to ignore the other then it would fizzle out.

    And the other person you refer to is yes a good friend of mine and can be head strong. Not her best trait i admit – but whilst i am saying this please take a long look at yourself.

    At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what i or anyone else says to you or her or anyone else come to think of it.

    We are our worst critics – so please take a look, and realise your not blameless in this.

    Please do not turn this into an arguement. Cos it is one this i am trying to avoid these days thankyou.

    Ps i aint perfick either :? ( don’t believe i just said that bleedin hell – but i is bloody good lookin though :lol: :lol: )

    Perhaps if you kept private messages just that instead of going back to the source with them you’d help by stopping inflaming matters?

    I have no need to ‘take a long look at myself’ matey. If she or frog or whoever else want to ger pro active and dig and whine and moan and grizzle at me, fine, I’ll react. Why shouldn’t I? These stupid non entities often come back with total shock and surprise at being answered back. I suggest you ask your madam to take a long look at herself and stop being a bloody hypocrite pal.

    You just couldn’t come back and say okay – or let bigons be bigons – you have a go at me ffs – why i bother to try and mend bridges bewilders me – but oh well

    Have a nice day now Geoff mate, keep smiling

    Thats it is it? Can’t have a bad word said about her? Nothing changes with you Oss, it’s everyone but her fault. Go find another mug to try it on with, you already pass PM’s on to her (hardly a surprise), why should you be trusted?

    i have had words with her aswell but she as got to the point where she finds it so funny – what can i do hey. When i woman makes her mind up that is it. All men know they can’t change a womans decision. I didn’t pass on the pm just happened to mention summit ya said – if i was to pass it on i would of just copied and pastd it for her to read, but i didn’t.

    She’s fine by the way just having an organic sandwich and fish. We had a good laff of the fone about pussies and katnip. There ya go mate i am sharing with you now. Though i didn’t mention the whole convo, you wouldn’t know entirely what we was talking abot. I only mentioned the bullet points – pretty uch the same as i did with Sian and your PM. Bullet points just an out line really nothing in depth.

    But like i said Geoff Mate – no hard feelings have a nice day, and hope all is well :D



    I dislike the boards that are too severley moderated where anything that the owner/moderators disagrees with is banned or users are booted out for the smallest infringement.

    Your talking about dosies place tut shame u should have just named it m8 lmao


    the fighting deters new posters but thats what most want anyway!

    they dont want new people on here, this is like roysten vassey, the fighting doesnt have to deter new posters! as soon as someone new tries and posts they get interrogated unless its a friend of a popular poster who vouches for them first


    @jigsy wrote:

    @token_male wrote:

    the fighting deters new posters but thats what most want anyway!

    they dont want new people on here, this is like roysten vassey, the fighting doesnt have to deter new posters! as soon as someone new tries and posts they get interrogated unless its a friend of a popular poster who vouches for them first

    OH My Lord.

    That sounds so familiar. I wonder why?

    probably been said hundreds of times before no doubt


    Bump! :-

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