Don’t mess with Molly
They found her in the kitchen she was dead as dead could be
Shed been listening to the radio it was set on bbc
She was making up some pasta as was nearing dinner time
No one appeared to be a witness for this most horrific crime
The police came to the crime scene and questioned all the folk
It didn’t take a genius to see it must have been a bloke
Many people were residing in this quaint hotel in Kent
There were many women staying but there only was one gent
With flour on the kitchen floor a detective was not needed
It didn’t matter what he said, or how much he pleaded
A clever policeman you really couldn’t find
This silly man was banged up cos of the footprints left behind
Now Molly who was very short and also very fat
Now sat inside her rented room smiling like a Cheshire cat
Her feet were huge as was her nose but no one even saw
Shed killed so many others round the country right before
She had stabbed the cook that day and she was off scott free
She was so cute and lovely and overlooked so easily
Underestimated and rejected no one ever looked at her
But alas upsetting Molly only ever leads to MURDER