Lou Reed was agony live !!! insisted on playing 20 minute guitar solos of the Supremes “you keep me hanging on.” etc. The Irony was lost… Spent many a freaked out Sat night listening to Berlin, with no one actually speaking for fear of breaking some magical moment.. Goosebumps at the mere thought.. Lady Day. Dundee.
Ruby, not only were you resident at Hackney Labour Club when I was there but you were also a registered Berlin addict. That was an experience, not an album. I spent a long time on each ironic nuance and musical arrangement. I think the word was obsession. From the opening words – when he sang Bay it was paradise, you knew something dreadful was going to happen through the misogyn-giving-way-to-heartbreak of that miserable rotten slut couldn’t turn….anyone..away to the final cathartic repetition of Sad Song. Not everyone’s cup of tea, mind you 
I would try to close my ears and strike up a form of conversation, during Their taking her children away”.. as id heard that it was real kids being told their Mother was dead ! to get the wailing affect. I would go to the loo, get a drink from the kitchen.. ANYTHING just not to hear that sound. One would assume they would just switch the elpee off and stick on something more cheerier like, er Suicides ” frankie teardrop”
Those 4 blues for a pound had a lot to answer for.
and I am much happier , This way…
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