Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Just H picture moan
5 January, 2022 at 4:24 pm #1143252
I’m getting a little bored of comments like this one:
“fishy H posted his picture in a private area (members room) of JC it was you that decided to post it into the open public internet where anyone can see and use it . Thats what is bang out of order fishy” Tree3
Now I know you all think Just H is 5 years old and you need to stand up for him
I hate to say it…but he’s a little older
But I’m going to show you all why I’m laughing at you
This is a picture of me taken a few years ago
I’ve told you its me so it must be and you now take it on trust
You have no way of proving it isn’t me
This is me too…a few years later
Now I think most people will know I found both pictures online and just uploaded them to the site. I’m far better looking than this pair of mingers
There in the public domain and free for me to use as I like
Just so I’m crystal clear on this:
Once you post any image or content online you lose control of it !
This includes sites like Facebook, Instagram or any social media.
Its why smart people don’t post pictures or content on sites they don’t own or control.
Now I’m going back to chatting to Wang’ombe Owethu. He’s having a little trouble moving money to the UK from Nigerian to open a kfc. So I’m going to give him my bank details, passport and national insurance number then sponsor him so he can open an account at the local Barclays bank.
5 January, 2022 at 5:58 pm #1143257Fishy just put ya fooking hand in the air and say you fooked up. Your joke backed fired. SIMPLES.
5 January, 2022 at 6:11 pm #1143258I think the only joke here is people taking too much on trust
5 January, 2022 at 7:46 pm #1143259i know who the first pic is looks like a choir boy dunt he ?
but whos the guy with the beard,looks like a darts player or a wrestler or summat
i personally wouldnt care if somebody put apic of me on,but not the rose petal one
i prefer the one of me pointing at a sunken ship,in fact i dont know what all the fuss is about pics we once did a montage of regs pics a few years ago and nobody moaned about that,i been trying to find it ,,but im struggling maybe you can dig it out fred?
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5 January, 2022 at 8:07 pm #1143260copyright infringement is illegal little fish 😁
Looks like this is the one that breaks the camel’s back
5 January, 2022 at 8:09 pm #1143261Fishy just put ya fooking hand in the air and say you fooked up. Your joke backed fired. SIMPLES.
kiss kiss kiss lick lick lick oh dear oh deary deary me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🏴
5 January, 2022 at 8:32 pm #1143263Fishy just put ya fooking hand in the air and say you fooked up. Your joke backed fired. SIMPLES.
kiss kiss kiss lick lick lick oh dear oh deary deary me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🏴
Talking about fuck ups and me FWEND turns up
5 January, 2022 at 9:06 pm #1143264Will you lot stop hi jacking my thread or I’m posting naked pic’s of this guy !!!
6 January, 2022 at 8:37 am #1143269Fishy just put ya fooking hand in the air and say you fooked up. Your joke backed fired. SIMPLES.
as if he would……….once a titt always a titt
6 January, 2022 at 8:44 am #1143270Your point is pathetic Doa….using Martins picture to prove it is even more pathetic
technically what you say may be right but does that mean you needed to do what you did? There are unwritten rules in lots of communities…..JC is no different…however before guests were banned even that went out of the window but now we are registered guests and only a handful…there was a reason H put it in members….he is quite capable of posting it on the boards should he had wished
it was not your decision to make…you have always been a tvvat…an abuser…a pathetic point maker
its a shame you are retiring soon….with so much time on your hands you will probably go back to your old old ways
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