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  • #1024189

    It’s clear for all to see that there are so many people who use this site who are wrecks ( in one way or another), yet all they do is  cover it up by being at each other’s throats 24/7, saying they couldnt care about what is said and gets thrown at them  in chat or through throwaway banter…or even gossip about one chatter or the other.

    If you don’t care, why are you here?

    Are you into self harm ?

    I’ve been here for over 5 yrs and I have realised what all this is about now.

    At the beginning I kept myself to myself and I hardly ever chatted in main, only in pm.

    Once you enter mainroom chat, you’re dragged into all the crap that goes in there, as not much is said besides what I mentioned at the beginning of my post…so you either join in that..or leave.

    I’m not surprised a few chatters have left (do they ever leave or just morph into a different name? ), anyone with half a functioning brain would get fed up of it.




    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by  Blossom..
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    This is not a good enviroment to be in, especially if you’re mentally unwell.

    Make some friends away from here, if you’re home bound, join a forum that interests you in some way, but keep away from chatrooms ; it’s the worse thing that could happen to you.

    These places do not reflect the real world, you get caught up in situations which can be very difficult for the weaker minded to get out of.

    Chatrooms are full of narcissits/sociopaths who do not have a life away from online; their only life is here and now; they  prey on the weak and are only here for their own scheming purposes, as these boards/rooms  show.


    I think you’ll find that chatrooms are not full of ASPD anymore so than real life. It’s the online disinhibition effect that enables people to bring out ‘feelings’ without consequences.

    Take it or leave it – it’s the way of the modern day communications mediums and people are moreso than ever feeling its effects: even in the rise of ‘populism’ – which, frankly, I think is a ludicrous term but nontheless it shows underlying social issues that would otherwise not have existed and given credence/enabling those to have the confidence to thus act upon their decisions in real life thereafter.

    I’d take a bunch of ‘trolls’ over a bunch of censorship and media bias any day. But that’s just me. I don’t need a safe space. I already know human nature is what it is. I think many people appreciate rawness although admittedly it can be given by morose, monosyllabic idiots with nothing but incoherent abuse to throw based on that keyboard warrior mode.

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    In my humble opinion Blossom and having been at the receiving end of your opinions, you have little cognitive understanding of how other people think, or how their opinions can be different to yours but that still be OK.

    I have now read post after post and said nothing and they have repeatedly openly stated that many people on here have mental health problems. This raises three questions, are you qualified to assess mental health, are you using it as an insult  because others don’t share your opinions and do you think it’s acceptable in the world we live in to bandy ‘mental health’ round like an insult, when suicide numbers are on the rise, and if you genuinely believe as you say you do that these chatters have mental health issues that you should be attacking and labeling them?

    You state your opinions and you have just the same right as everyone else on here to do so, however, you are insulting and rude in doing so,  I for one have been on the end of or witnessed it in rooms, but you say it is simply you speaking your mind and no offence is intended, as if that makes being so offensive acceptable. But, and the big but is you do offend people, added to which when chatters come back at you with similar comments, you are offended and put up posts like this, and others.  You have posted saying that chatters are at each others throats 24/7 and you are the brunt of abuse. You cannot have it all ways. You either accept that you are being offensive and therefore will come in for abuse back as a result of your comments. Or you rein in the comments regarding mental health, looks, lack of education, ‘chaviness’ etc etc etc and have decent conversations where people will not come back at you as a result of being offended.

    This is a considered post, I have been guilty of coming back at you after you have been incredibly rude to me unprovoked. I think you really need to stand back and look at what you are accusing others of, then look in the mirror and see if actually you aren’t guilty of just the same!





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    Think she might have gone?

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    just today i was swore at by a certain someone in f3, and then again in f2. i wasnt swore at in f1 but i didnt visit f1. if you want to know who swore at me then i will pm you. but i have more class than mentioning names on a forum. these new changes are not going to stop the swearing at me. its very sad  but true. these swearers will continue to swear and i will continue to be swore at. i didnt build up a respectable chat name on here to be swore at. or even in the dam presence of these revolting words. and billy please dont pm me . i know your in love with me but i dont like your pm’s.

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