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11 January, 2021 at 4:10 pm #1133984
Regarding your point about Biden hiding, ( at least I think that’s what you mean), I don’t know what news outlet you’ve been watching but I’ve seen Biden give more Presidential, Cabinet and Covid briefings in the last 2 weeks than Trump did in 4 years.
Of course, Fox, OANN, Newsmax would never show anything that Biden says in the same way that CNN, NBC,ABC never shows Trump. What I’ve learnt about American media is that you have to get information from several sources to try and make sense about what is the actual truth using your own filters. I’m afraid the the news media industry in the states is in a bit of a shitty state with no real truthful middle of the road information but that doesn’t give anyone the excuse to say “I’m only going to watch/listen to X and ignore the rest” That, in my opinion is just plain ignorance and if you’re only getting your information from opinion-driven sources, then that is just plain dangerous.
11 January, 2021 at 4:28 pm #1133985Oh and by the way, the SARS outbreak that you referred to occurred in the States in 2003, during the GW Bush administration. I wonder what gave you the impression that it was Obama/Biden’s era?
If you actually meant Ebola in 2014 then I believe 4 people died from it in the States, some of those had travelled in from ebola-ridden countries. I believe the CDC were allowed to do their work without political interference and Fauci was key.
I won’t sadden you with the current U.S. covid death toll. I’m shielding my wife and mother-in-law from the rest of the world. And we wear masks.
11 January, 2021 at 4:52 pm #1133988Ge : come out from behind your sofa and say what’s on your mind – coward
Whatever ID you lurk on Alfie, you are still trash.
BTW masks don’t protect anyone from catching Covid. Idiot.
Singing the praises of the war mongering career politican Biden… Singing the praises of so called democracy while mocking and belittling those who voted Trump. Now that is amusing.
The same Biden who thought he was running as senater at the beginning of the election campaign.
The politician who authored 3 strikes and your out which has devasted black communities all over the USA and created a corporate driven mutil billion business which has incarcerated and criminalized million of young black men with many serving life sentences for petty crime.
That Biden?
What is even more humorous, despite the shit ideas he blurts out, he has absolutely no concept why people voted Trump in the first place, much like Brexit and UKIP in the UK.
11 January, 2021 at 4:55 pm #1133989You’ll notice that I’ve opened up a new thread just for you. Care to relocate your thoughts?
11 January, 2021 at 4:58 pm #1133990You’ll notice that I’ve opened up a new thread just for you. Care to relocate your thoughts?
Your infantile pish won’t work with me Alfie, never did, never can and never will.
You are trash.
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
11 January, 2021 at 5:32 pm #1133993I’ve replied in the new thread Ge. I urge you to see it.
11 January, 2021 at 5:40 pm #1133997Now the pot smoking loner wants me to play his endless ‘lets Google and cut and paste debate’ while he endlessly repeats lines he used a few years ago (word for word).
Endless puerile ‘debates’ that never go anywhere. 1. because he has no indepth political knowledge and 2. he can’t lure me into his sociopathic world.
Ignorant regarding American politics just as you are ignorant regarding British politics.
Now run along you keyboard frankenstein and lure in some other naive soul to play your silly games.
You are trash Alfie.
11 January, 2021 at 5:43 pm #1133999Lovely,
I’ll just re-post that for you as well
P.S. Don’t go kicking the dog now.
11 January, 2021 at 5:51 pm #1134001Lol.
The keyboard frankenstein always gives himself away because his ego is much larger than his limited political knowledge and his shit essays on the subject that he has plagiarised are in fact what give him away in the first place.
Some people never learn and especially pot addled loners like you.
You are trash Alfie.
11 January, 2021 at 6:12 pm #1134003I should have just said biden..not obama.
And yes listen to all different media and read different papers.
AND TRUMP did dicuss covid weekly. AND let us not forget “warp speed.”
AND go back to biden’s comments in march 2020 from a source or few and comments biden said about covid. President shut down travels. Bans. Lunatic. Etc… AND U DID SEE HARRIS GOT VACCINE. THE WOMAN WHO NOT LISTEN TO TRUMP..TRUST HIM. LOL
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
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