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  • #9846

    If you were to pair up members of JC…..who would you pair up together and why?
    It’s a boring question and totally anal retentive but a new topic is needed.


    Oh and pair me up with American Woman please.
    I love the accents over there and we would be well suited as we both love actors!!


    @sir Actor wrote:

    Oh and pair me up with American Woman please.
    I love the accents over there and we would be well suited as we both love actors!!

    I’d match you with Johnboy, equally annoying and you’re both stuck up your own asses 8)


    @*Sian wrote:

    @sir Actor wrote:

    Oh and pair me up with American Woman please.
    I love the accents over there and we would be well suited as we both love actors!!

    I’d match you with Johnboy, equally annoying and you’re both stuck up your own asses 8)

    kettle .. pot .. black.
    You annoy me but i don’t keep going on about it… :roll:
    Now who could I pair you up with…?


    You wouldn’t mind stop PMing me then huh? :roll:


    @*Sian wrote:

    You wouldn’t mind stop PMing me then huh? :roll:

    Well….i just had some old clothes i din’t want and thought you might need them. :roll:


    @sir Actor wrote:

    @*Sian wrote:

    You wouldn’t mind stop PMing me then huh? :roll:

    Well….i just had some old clothes i din’t want and thought you might need them. :roll:



    @*Sian wrote:

    @sir Actor wrote:

    @*Sian wrote:

    You wouldn’t mind stop PMing me then huh? :roll:

    Well….i just had some old clothes i din’t want and thought you might need them. :roll:


    do you always act the t wat? :?


    It’s my vocation in life?

    nevermind acting the twat! Tell us what you’ve been in! I wanna see your american fans, I want to visit the site! :lol:

    Bull shit billy is hardly a leading role!


    @*Sian wrote:

    It’s my vocation in life?

    nevermind acting the twat! Tell us what you’ve been in! I wanna see your american fans, I want to visit the site! :lol:

    Bull shit billy is hardly a leading role!

    Maybe we should take this to the Spit the Dummy forum where I can practice the art of A RSE KICKING on you.
    Although to be honest I’m not sure I could tell the difference between your face and your a rse!!
    F U C K W I T!!

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