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  • #478433

    @desmondy wrote:

    The title to this thread caught my eye. A few questions? sure I can do that.

    On closer inspection it appeared to be longer than a Tolstoy epic.

    So for the benefit of those infected with mongism and general ‘cantbearsedtoreadallofititis’, such as myself, is there any chance of a bite size version.

    ie a FEW questions?


    Yes exactly! Way too many questions!!


    @melody wrote:

    @desmondy wrote:

    The title to this thread caught my eye. A few questions? sure I can do that.

    On closer inspection it appeared to be longer than a Tolstoy epic.

    So for the benefit of those infected with mongism and general ‘cantbearsedtoreadallofititis’, such as myself, is there any chance of a bite size version.

    ie a FEW questions?


    Don’t be lazy – it only took 10 mins lol

    most of the questions, the answer jumps straight into your head as you are reading the question. only a few i needed to ponder over :)


    a few questions?????? gee,i’d h8 to see u set an exam paper Caps.i wud love to answer them but right now my head hurts after just reading them lol :P





    Oh Caps, i was looking forward to answering a few brief questions!! Thought it would be a good introduction onto the boards… but no way lol. Shorten them down :p


    i dont think the sheer volume of the questions is the only problem i mean some of the questions seem fairly pointless

    for example

    Which is worse, failing or never trying? or

    Would you break the law to save a loved one?

    surely there is only one possible answer to these questions

    if the thread was reduced to the good questions maybe more folk would have answered them.



    I think you all may need to chill out a little.. :) Nobody said you had to answer them :D I just put them up there for sumat to do one night xx

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