Boards Index General discussion Art, poetry, music and film John Hughes (1950–2009)

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  • #1115833

    Do you remember the great films by John Hughes?

    The brat pack and those movies you grew up with?

    Now Sky Cinema are currently streaming his films.

    Really worth a look I reckon

    Ferris Beullers day off

    Pretty in Pink

    The Breakfast Club

    Weird Science

    To name but a few

    And the soundtracks were all so good too!

    What was your favourite John Hughes movie?

    Mine was Pretty in Pink and Breakfast club.

    Good memories



    Amazing man.


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  Dangermousey.

    Loved em all……..classics in a sense because they captured iconic moments of the eighties in a way that was years later, nostalgic but with very happy memories of a great era….

    The Breakfast Club was a great film….Kids detention on a Saturday morning…lol….don’t think they did Saturday mornings over here…always stay on after school for an hour….

    Molly Ringwald..what a babe and yes…try to imagine any of these classics without a sound track…just wouldn’t be the same.

    Must dig out that record I used to have of the Furs…they were awesome back In the day….

    Caroline laughs and it’s raining all day….

    Young Guns were cool ……amazing sound track by Jon Bon Jovi from Young Guns 2…..

    LOL@Ferris’s day off…….a young Mathew Broderick trying to successfully skive off school………

    Not sure if Same Director but St Elmo’s Fire was another great movie and who cares, im gonna be honest…Mannequin was awesome and never forget The Goonies….LMAO

    Oh man they don’t make em like that any more…………Top Gun 2 any one?….LOL should be very interesting indeed

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