I remember reading similar when they brought out ” bank robber”! as a single, in the N.M.E .
I knew Joe personally, and he never wavered in his heartfelt causes. I was always aware that deep down he did not really have a clue about the lyrics he would spew forth. The way i looked on it, was he did not have to get covered in spittle on a nightly basis and contract Hep.he saw it as a latter day Robin Hood AND asked them for some “wealth distribution” ;)
Last time i saw him was at a post gig Pogues Soiree, When the demobbed Macgowan was back in the fold. He always got a special cheer as did frankie Miller, from the older,ex punks in the audience.
So cant we have a middle ground question please, as Im in a quandary which way to turn :)
R.I.P Joe.