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  • #1010745

    Some of the evidence is very weak I will agree with you there. He owns books about Nazis (allegedly), but that doesn’t mean anything. I own an English translation of the Quran, does that mean if I was investigated by the police they would come to the conclusion that I am a muslim? (I’m an athiest)


    Drac, I am not having a go at you here, I swear. I have books that would be considered extreme. Don’t we all. Where does it start and where does it end. Where!


    Now the BBC is saying how great Fidel Castro was, and that he never did anything bad.


    and that he had KKK books; and that he had a gun; and that he looked at videos showing men firing off a sawed-off  similar to his own, and that he was shouting political slogans and called himself Death to Traitors ‘ etc. etc etc.

    But the fact that Mair walked 2 miles to kill Jo Cox (I walk at least that every day to visit friends), and that he was 52 so couldn’t be a political extrremist (????) is truly a product of a bizarre mind.

    This is conspiracy theory gone off the wall.

    There are conspiracies – the secret services do occasionally kill people.

    In David kelly’s case, there are reasons  why he would be killed, and the case is suspicious.

    But if you’re going to convince me that youa re at all serious in your outlook on life, I’d like to know why they would want to pin the murder of Jo Cox on this guy? Who benefits???Brexiteers weren’t hurt – theyw ere almost unanimous in their condemnation. The British Nazis  weren’t even hurt, as theyw ere absolved of any plot or connection to mair.

    mair wasn an internet Nazi and an internet white supremacist and a genuine killer.

    If you disagree, then don’t give the strangest items of evidence about clothing and age, but show me (and I’m not sure I’m sane for listening) why they would want to go to such lengths??



    I’m not into the conspiracy theory nearly as much as SHR is,but I will try to play devil’s advocate here. I have uploaded two photos that supposedly show Mair’s arrest. The gun isn’t visible in either photo, not is any means of hiding it on his two mile walk.

    I don’t know who took the photos, if these exist then why wasn’t the murder, or at least his gun also recorded by this whitness?

    There are a lot of things about this case that don’t make very much sense, and I don’t think we will ever know exactly what happened.


    I’m probably going to stay slient on this thread now though, I don’t really like the tone the conversation is taking.


    Nothing Mr Angry types state as fact means very much to me anyway, they have no evidence to prove otherwise. Like lemmings they believe every word the liberal establishment tell them to believe. We already know that this man did not shout out any political slogans prior  to killing Cox and to suggest otherwise is simply utter ignorance. The likes of Hillsborough and Orgreave were of course both conspiracy theories. The secret blacklist of construction workers in the 80’s and 90’s is of course a conspiracy theory. The establishment cover up of sexual abuse in Northern mill towns is of course a conspiracy theory. State agent provocateurs churning out misinformation online during elections is course a conspiracy theory. The list is endless but it is irrelevant anyway, you can’t have a grown up debate with angry know it alls.


    :bye: ;-)


    I’m not into the conspiracy theory nearly as much as SHR is,but I will try to play devil’s advocate here. I have uploaded two photos that supposedly show Mair’s arrest. The gun isn’t visible in either photo, not is any means of hiding it on his two mile walk. I don’t know who took the photos, if these exist then why wasn’t the murder, or at least his gun also recorded by this whitness? There are a lot of things about this case that don’t make very much sense, and I don’t think we will ever know exactly what happened.

    How do you know if I am into “conspiracy theories or not”. You can read minds alongside your numerous other talents can you? In this case the evidence is nothing to do with a conspiracy theory. It is just the crappest attempt by the establishment ever to smear Brexit with emotive propaganda and lies, as has already been covered on this site by Mr Angry.




    I’m probably going to stay slient on this thread now though, I don’t really like the tone the conversation is taking.

    I understand that


    I’m not angry, SHR.

    Incredulous, yes, but not angry.

    I’m still totally stumped as to why you think a conspiracy is involved here. You still haven’t answered the basic question of cui bono, which would then give us grounds for at least suspicion.

    The only reason that there are unanswered questions about this case is that Mair was silent throughout four hours of police interviews, and refused to offer evidence during the trial, merely giving his name as “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain”. He wanted to make a statement (presumably political) once the verdict was given, but the judge told him that his refusal to offer evidence meant that he had relinquished his right to speak.

    But the evidence was pretty heavy. Apart from the eyewitnesses – Jo Cox was killed in the open in front of people (two of her assistants attacked Mair with their handbags, while another man tried to stop Mair only to be stabbed in the abdomen.

    Mair first expressed his beliefs in a letter to a pro-apartheid South African magazine called SA Patriot in 1988, saying, “I still have hope that the White Race will prevail, both in Britain and South Africa, but I fear it’s going to be a very long and very bloody struggle”.

    In 1999 in another letter to the same magazine Mair said “the greatest enemy of the old Apartheid system was not the ANC and the black masses but the white liberals and traitors”.

    He contributed to the US neo-nazi National Vanguard Books, founded by a man (William Pierce) who believed that there should be a mass execution of the white tliberals who betrayed their race.

    Mair printed out a column by Jo Cox supporting refugees and calling for the UK to remain within the EU, and  kept it in a ring-binder together with a column on Anders Breivik, the neo-nazi Norwegian who killed 77 Young Socialists in 2011. Mair owned the sawn-off rifle whihc was used to shoot Jo Cox in the head, before he dragged her by the hair across the street and stabbed her time after time (he had asked Google “Is a .22 round deadly enough to kill with one shot to the human head?”)

    So you can see why I’m incredulous, and why the jury found mair guilty by a unanimous verdict after a brief deliberation.

    But if you can give more evidence (other than the fact that the guy was old and wearing casual clothes and walked 2 miles, as I do that every day), then I am still waiting.

    So – who benefits to the extent that they will either kill Jo Cox, or that a poor innocent neo-nazi with racist views and a liking for violent plots, who seems to get quite depressed, was framed???

    I’m not angry, just incredulous and waiting for the simple answer to the above question. Why don’t you give it?

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