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  • #995407


    One thing is certain. Despite the crocodile fake tears, this man has not donated a single penny to the Jo Cox memorial fund and neither has he attended a single one of the various vigils held in her memory. The pub bore parrots what he reads in the media and then attempts to pass it off as his own views.


    Yep, truth be known, people like slippery scep here probably secretly love the fact that she was killed, because it’s allowed them the chance to do exactly what they’re doing now with running this smear and demonisation campaign against Brexiteers and the Brexit position.

    Very devious people.

    Hopefully the decent majority will see through it come vote day.

    That was to Alf Garnett btw the way BB, not you, I inadvertently pressed the wrong quote.

    Lol, s’cool.



    Jo Cox

    who suffered at the hands of an assassin
    caling himself Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain


    RIP Jo, brutally murdered by an extremely ill man, who eloquently spoke in the past about his battle with mental illness, the battle trying to get treatment within the MHS and the loneliness and isolation he endured for decades. A quiet man, who was well liked and respected by his neighbours and who finally snapped and committed this brutal crime.

    A tragedy for all concerned and a damning indictment of the horror people endure when trying to get help from the Mental Health Service which has had its budget slashed by this tory government and in this mans lifetime, also under the Thatcher and Major government.

    Lets hope lessons are learnt from this tragedy, without ignorant people harping on, who are ignorant about mental illness and ignorant about the lack of provision in the community. Those ignorant people would rather attempt to score cheap, crude points for political gain, during this referendum.


    from the BBC website

    Jo Cox was killed because of her strong political views, her widower Brendan has told the BBC.

    He said his late wife, who would have been 42 tomorrow, was concerned about “coarsening” of the referendum debate.

    “She completely respected that people could disagree for very good reason. But more about the tone of whipping up fears and whipping up hatred potentially.

    “I think the EU referendum has created a more heightened environment for it but actually it also pre-existed that. It’s something that’s happened over the last few years I think and again not just in the UK but globally.”

    He also spoke about the grief of their two children, who were present in the Commons when MPs paid tribute to their mother on Monday, and how important public support had been.

    “The two things that I’ve been very focused on is how do we support and protect the children and how do we make sure that something good comes out of this.

    “And what the public support and outpouring of love around this does, is it also helps the children see that what they’re feeling and other people are feeling, that the grief that they feel isn’t abnormal, that they feel it more acutely and more painfully and more personally but that actually their mother was someone who was loved by lots of people and that therefore, it’s ok to be upset and it’s okay for them to cry and to be sad about it.”


    RIP Jo Cox – Its a real shame your life was taken at a very early age. My condolences goes towards your family, friends and everyone you are connected with.

    A couple of ladies who I was on holiday with came from your constituency and was remotely shocked and saddened to hear the news that someone had taken your life in such a terrible way. Tears were shed.

    Hope justice will be served for the person who did this but I sincerely doubt it as the man charged with the offence is allegedly mentally ill.

    Hope your family are left in peace to come to terms with all of this.

    Fly high



    Witnesses are now coming forward to state this man did not shout Britain First, reported on Sky and on Twitter, but nowhere else.

    It wouldn’t be the first time in recent history the establishment has lied for political gain. Hillsborough being a prime example.

    Behind 6 points in the polls at the time of this brutal murder… Now 1 point in the lead.


    Another thing I have observed, during a long boring night shift. Why is Brendan Cox being instructed what to say during this interview.

    Listen to the voice in the background, in the first 13 seconds. The voice in the background clearly does not say “umm”, Brendan Cox says it twice whilst repeating, the voice, word for word. Then the voice suddenly disappears…

    Background voice 4 seconds in. “and *pause* I believe she was killed for… because of those views”

    Brendan 5 seconds in. “and *pause* umm I believe she was killed for… umm because of those views”



    “If you have to exploit a murder victim to make your case, then you’ve lost the argument.”

    BB and SHR have turned this RIP thread into a political and abusive thread, nobody else.

    Brexiteers and Remain are almost united in revulsion at the murder of a defenceless mother and hard-working MP at the hands of a right-wing assassin. That’s only political to those whose politics are similar to those of the killer; which means precious few in this country.

    On behalf of the overwhelming majority of jc people, Brexit, Remain,

    on what would have been her 42nd birthday

    with respect


    This is a thread about someone tragically losing their life not about arguing and point scoring have some decorum ffs

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