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    @kent f OBE wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    Your last two posts, Jen, I couldn’t agree with you more.

    Well said. =D> =D> =D>


    “dwell” and “forget”………I have a knot in my stomach reading that post….I am sure all victims of abuse would love to forget…erase it from their memories but it doesn’t happen…and while many learn to live with it…put on a front for the world…the underlying affects stay with you forever

    Those effects will never go away,but you can do a great deal towards making them not rule your life, and i don’t see how this will in any way help any of them that may have been abused, i really don’t. If anything its just making them relive it and they will have to keep reliving it now its public property.


    @anc wrote:

    I’ve just watched the recording…………deffo some exaggeration going on. I also watched an interview with three so-called victims, on another programme – one was lying for sure.

    Having said that, there is a fire where that smoke came from, and sorry Poli, I disaggree with your views.

    No need to say sorry, we are all different, all handle things differently, all have differing views, and you are among most of the others in disagreeing with my views so you are in good company its all good :D


    Ok i’ve had my say given my opinion and think this has had enough of my time and effort spent on it, all i hope from this something good does come from it, though i’m unsure as to what that is going to be as of yet, but lets hope atleast something does.


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @momentaryloss wrote:

    I understand some of the squeamishness people feel, given the fact that Jimmy Saville is dead, and we cannot be sure all of the stories are true.
    I don’t think it has anything to do with being squeamish

    The victims of abuse however deserve that we recognise their ordeal why do other people need to recognise their ordeal? why does the world need to know their darkest thoughts and fears ? this should be dealt with in a proper manner with proper professionals, not the media and do our best as a society to prevent this sort of behaviour. i agree, and feel with the many laws that have been bought in in this country over the last 40 years, both in the work place and out of it, although not perfect helps this, along with many campaigns from schools the police and so forth all help these situations, but none are perfect and there will always sadly be some people that don’t speak up.

    Unfortunately, as Jimmy Saville is dead and justice cannot be done in any direct sense. Now that this is all so public, as well as the genuine stories, there will inevitably be exaggeration and people jumping on the bandwagon. Exactly my point this should have been dealt with privately, and without “actual ” fact stayed that way, unless a fact rather than supposition could be discovered beyond all doubt. This isn’t condoning anything he may of done though.

    Although we cannot try Jimmy Saville, neither can we ignore what has happened and sweep it under the carpet. So what should we do? just allow anyone who wants to tell a story lies or not tell it ? Maybe because he is dead, it doesnt matter anymore ? There will be many people who will feel guilt and feel that they could have done things differently. We should not take our anger out on them – they have plenty of time to dwell on what they did or didn’t do, and no doubt many people will feel guilty when they couldn’t have done anything in reality.

    The person responsible was the one who abused his power and we cannot try him or fully understand what he did because he is dead. This story is therefore not over and there will be many more painful chapters. Plenty of suffering for those that have already suffered yes, as opposed to letting them get help, quietly and privately

    Rather than minimise all this, we need to respect what has happened to vulnerable young girls (even if there is no way of judging the veracity of all of the stories). More than anything else we need to do our best to build a society where this is not acceptable.

    Yes more than anything else we need to concentrate our time money and energy on preventing future occurences rather than raking over something that cannot be changed

    Mmmmmmmm perhaps.

    I kinda get the point about the media not necessarily being the best way to do these things. Trial by media of a dead man, with all the possibilities of inaccuracy and misrepresentation, – not good.

    On the other hand, we cannot afford to give the impression that just because Jimmy Saville is gone, what he did doesn’t matter. That is exactly the impression we give if it is swept under the carpet.

    I do feel a bit squeamish about condemning a dead man in his absence but people need to know that no-one can get away with it. That needs to be balanced against ruining the reputation of a man who cannot defend himself.

    On balance I do think the victims need to be heard so that people will speak up in the future.

    Yes, individuals do need support and counselling, but the people also need to know that you can and should speak out, whoever the culprit is – that means the world hearing people standing up and being counted.

    Not the best justice, but I’m not sure we have a better way of doing it.


    KING ‘ELL…


    gee whizz,, speechless at half of the Excuses..


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Ok i’ve had my say given my opinion and think this has had enough of my time and effort spent on it, all i hope from this something good does come from it, though i’m unsure as to what that is going to be as of yet, but lets hope atleast something does.

    you have had your ” say” yes.. I just Hope, you never have to encounter things in life that some folks do. And all your ” time and effort” in MY opinion , has made you look pretty Damm stupid !

    In MY OPINION .. likesay .

    /Smug,Perfect and no stories to worry me. Dundee.


    Jimmy Saville gained a reputation for being a good man, fortune and a knighthood via the media.

    He used this media-gained reputation as a shield to protect himself while he did despicable things to young women and his media-maintained reputation protected him from even the righteous anger of Esther Ranzen, who has a reputation for fearlessness second-to-few.

    Thus trial by media almost seems more appropriate than the safe, regulated world of the criminal court where, short of a guilty plea, his highly-paid lawyers would get the chance to rehearse obscene lies and excuses and put his victims through a psychological wringer in a process which even lesser lawyers with unknown clients manage to get guilty parties off.

    If his knighthood, statues and other trappings are sullied or removed removed because his crimes become known then although it’s not the same as imprisoning a living man, it prevents his fame from overshadowing his evil.

    As for his family, well if they lose any benefits that might have come from his estate or from association with him, then they really should let out their anger on their dead relative and – if they had any inkling of what he did – themselves.


    @rubyred wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Ok i’ve had my say given my opinion and think this has had enough of my time and effort spent on it, all i hope from this something good does come from it, though i’m unsure as to what that is going to be as of yet, but lets hope atleast something does.

    you have had your ” say” yes.. I just Hope, you never have to encounter things in life that some folks do. And all your ” time and effort” in MY opinion , has made you look pretty Damm stupid.

    =D> =D> =D>


    so you think i look damn stupid,thats how you feel thats fine, thats up to you.


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    so you think i look damn stupid,thats how you feel thats fine, thats up to you.

    I Honestly DO Pol.. I will not lie nor be 2 faced.

    I am sure others do not feel this way.. (erm…..)

    I thouht their was more Mettle and guts to you..

    nae worries. x

    let the paedos and perverts go unotticed.. the casting couch is alive and kicking.. HERE take MY children/Grandchildren… they NEED to be shown … theres NO business like show business.. AND why did John Peel have ” teenage kicks the best i have had”.. on his gravestone.

    nae worries.

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