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  • #16397

    Are there any JC weddings this year? if so please let me know as i would like to invite myself.

    toodle pip. pasty xx

    PS. i hope the wedding list is at pound land.

    PPS. by the way I run a bouncy castle business, happy to offer a discount if interested.


    @pasty wrote:

    Are there any JC weddings this year? if so please let me know as i would like to invite myself.

    toodle pip. pasty xx

    PS. i hope the wedding list is at pound land.

    PPS. by the way I run a bouncy castle business, happy to offer a discount if interested.

    At least anyone buying pressies is safe in the knowledge the cheapest ones havn’t been bought :lol: Big it up for Poundland :lol:
    By the way have there ever been a JC Weddings?


    @pasty wrote:

    Are there any JC weddings this year? if so please let me know as i would like to invite myself.

    toodle pip. pasty xx

    PS. i hope the wedding list is at pound land.

    PPS. by the way I run a bouncy castle business, happy to offer a discount if interested.

    Besides your wedding to Jaqw, dont think so.
    IN YOUR FACE :wink:


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    @pasty wrote:

    Are there any JC weddings this year? if so please let me know as i would like to invite myself.

    toodle pip. pasty xx

    PS. i hope the wedding list is at pound land.

    PPS. by the way I run a bouncy castle business, happy to offer a discount if interested.

    Besides your wedding to Jaqw, dont think so.
    IN YOUR FACE :wink:



    I’m gonna marry the rolling eyes emoticon……
    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    so cute and is probably all I could get haha


    @melody wrote:

    I’m gonna marry the rolling eyes emoticon……
    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    so cute and is probably all I could get haha

    I am sure that isn’t true (said the unavailable man).

    Not sure what you look like, but you can string a sentence together and actually have a personality, which is more than can be said about many people.

    On the other hand, I can’t of course pretend that the rolling eyes emoticon isn’t a better bet than some men!



    @momentaryloss wrote:

    @melody wrote:

    I’m gonna marry the rolling eyes emoticon……
    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    so cute and is probably all I could get haha

    I am sure that isn’t true (said the unavailable man).

    Not sure what you look like, but you can string a sentence together and actually have a personality, which is more than can be said about many people.

    On the other hand, I can’t of course pretend that the rolling eyes emoticon isn’t a better bet than some men!


    Ah flattery – Merci Beaucoup c’est tres gentile :lol: The cheque is in the post


    looks like this is a wedding free zone pasty!!

    Maybe its up to us…

    ps you can wear the dress fella :)


    @desmondy wrote:

    looks like this is a wedding free zone pasty!!

    Maybe its up to us…

    ps you can wear the dress fella :)

    Looks that way Des mate,

    I’ll slip on the snood, if you wear ‘The jumper’ and chunky cords,

    see you in the abyss that is f2,

    ta ra!


    @desmondy wrote:

    looks like this is a wedding free zone pasty!!

    Maybe its up to us…

    ps you can wear the dress fella :)

    Ahem Dessy!! I thought we had an arrangement, don’t go marrying Pasty just to get out of it…..

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