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  • #17193

    As the olympics are just round the corner i thought i would suggest a JC sports day.

    My initial thoughts are as follows for JC persons and related events:

    Jaqw: skol bowling
    Surrey: boxing and arm wrestling
    Lez: ladies gymnastics (watching only)
    Melody: egg and spoon
    Del: three legged race
    Des: chess or sitting on the bench
    Vili: skipping race
    cow/geoff: synchronized swimming
    Craigypoops: all sports that involve wearing a leotard
    Rocky: something with bean bags
    Mellow: kung fu
    Jenna: Pin the tail on the donkey (advance level 5)
    Millwall: rounders
    Katie: spinning plates
    Archi: find the sausage
    Pasty: Playing in the sand pit
    Stapler: rhythmic gymnastics

    sorry if i’ve missed you, but i’ve run out of events!



    When is this scheduled for??? I will come with multi coloured bean bags :D

    Will you be providing orange at half time Pasty ;) lolol xxx


    @pasty wrote:

    As the olympics are just round the corner i thought i would suggest a JC sports day.

    Lez: ladies gymnastics (watching only)

    pmsl at watchin only


    Boxing and arm wrestling? What are you insinuating? lol.
    :lol: @ leotard and advanced pin the tail on donkey tho…you are clearly off your head. :?


    As long as I look sexy in it, then yes!


    Craig the leotard NEEDS to be sparkley!! lol


    I’ll make the tea and peel the oranges for half time :D


    @rockyblonde23 wrote:

    Craig the leotard NEEDS to be sparkley!! lol



    Bloody egg and spoon? haha


    I LOVE your tagline Mel!!! <3

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