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Has the removal of guests from all rooms on Just Chat made the site better or worse?
I have tried to make the question as neutral as possible to avoid any accusations of bias;
- Better
- Worse
- Don’t know/ Can’t think for myself
26 February, 2021 at 8:40 am #1135310
Still not sure how accurate a poll on this can be when guests can’t vote … but hey.
Indeed Ari or the members who were banned for speaking out such as Merlin, Guru, Tracy and Whizz.
I am sure the result would have been very different had the poll been ran before the changes were brought in unannounced.
I did already address this issue but Kent has intentionally glossed over it in her desire to make her point and try to ridicule me;
‘My only concern is that many of the old guard have fled already and won’t or can’t participate, including of course the guests and those that have been banned, ridiculed or smeared for voicing their concerns.’
In fact she’s really just proving my point about ridiculing and smearing any dissenters.
Still, at least the site’s flourishing now, right!?
I see you find it difficult to address me directly but don’t find it difficult to blame me…I am not responsible for the change in JC……the abusive regs and guests are responsible for that..
You put a poll up but only like the replies that pander to your theory…..I am replying to a thread….if you don’t like it tough!…..don’t put one up if you cant take it …I thought you were all for freedom of speech?….unless its in your favour I guess….the irony…..and I’m not sure why you care so much for a site you dropped so quickly ….what are you trying to prove?….we all know injustices happen even in JC…..but guests were abusive so the only solution was to ban guests…..some regs were abusive….so they were banned…..there are other chat sites they can go and be abusive to their hearts content….JC isn’t the be all and end all of all chat sites…..
Make a complaint to Martin…..the Chatworlds Ombudsman…your local MP….the PM….
Apply to become a guide…
You are looking to blame someone…..its not me and its not LD…..I would say grow up but you might throw your toys out of the pram so I wont
26 February, 2021 at 3:16 pm #1135319group hug
27 February, 2021 at 9:17 am #1135354Still not sure how accurate a poll on this can be when guests can’t vote … but hey.
Indeed Ari or the members who were banned for speaking out such as Merlin, Guru, Tracy and Whizz.
I am sure the result would have been very different had the poll been ran before the changes were brought in unannounced.
I did already address this issue but Kent has intentionally glossed over it in her desire to make her point and try to ridicule me;
‘My only concern is that many of the old guard have fled already and won’t or can’t participate, including of course the guests and those that have been banned, ridiculed or smeared for voicing their concerns.’
In fact she’s really just proving my point about ridiculing and smearing any dissenters.
Still, at least the site’s flourishing now, right!?
I see you find it difficult to address me directly but don’t find it difficult to blame me…I am not responsible for the change in JC……the abusive regs and guests are responsible for that..
You put a poll up but only like the replies that pander to your theory…..I am replying to a thread….if you don’t like it tough!…..don’t put one up if you cant take it …I thought you were all for freedom of speech?….unless its in your favour I guess….the irony…..and I’m not sure why you care so much for a site you dropped so quickly ….what are you trying to prove?….we all know injustices happen even in JC…..but guests were abusive so the only solution was to ban guests…..some regs were abusive….so they were banned…..there are other chat sites they can go and be abusive to their hearts content….JC isn’t the be all and end all of all chat sites…..
Make a complaint to Martin…..the Chatworlds Ombudsman…your local MP….the PM….
Apply to become a guide…
You are looking to blame someone…..its not me and its not LD…..I would say grow up but you might throw your toys out of the pram so I wont
I see you find it difficult to address me directly but don’t find it difficult to blame me…
I was responding to Ariston, not you.
I am not responsible for the change in JC
You are vociferously defending it by ridiculing anyone opposed to it. This was my point, again missed by you intentionally.
You put a poll up but only like the replies that pander to your theory….
I put a poll up to ‘move the conversation on’ one way or another. Again, see my original post.
I am replying to a thread….if you don’t like it tough!…..don’t put one up if you cant take it
You dug up a thread that had been gone for 4 days to gloat or god know’s what-have a look at the time stamps on the comments.
…I thought you were all for freedom of speech?….unless its in your favour I guess
Yes I am very much for freedom of speech and the right to make a point without personal attacks or ridicule, which even now I am maintaining despite your ridiculing of me and others.
and I’m not sure why you care so much for a site you dropped so quickly ….what are you trying to prove?
The guides announced over a year ago that they were trying to get guests removed from all rooms. I argued against it then and have maintained since then that I would probably no longer participate here if that happened.
I also stated that the chat would be severely reduced and one dimensional. So far that seems to be correct.
but guests were abusive so the only solution was to ban guests…..some regs were abusive….so they were banned…..there are
A very small handful of guests were abusive. There were also some very interesting guests that were some of the best chatters here and enriched the community.
Several members were banned simply for voicing a contrary opinion.
You are looking to blame someone…..its not me and its not LD…..I would say grow up but you might throw your toys out of the pram so I wont
I am blaming you for unnecessary and unwarranted personal attacks simply because I have a different opinion and the gall to voice them.
I would say grow up but you might throw your toys out of the pram so I wont
More personal attacks.
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
27 February, 2021 at 1:06 pm #1135360I’ve yet to see a single argument as to why banning guests would be a good idea.
Please decribe how it has improved chat.
“Less abuse” is not an acceptable answer, I am insulted every time a enter a room (if there is anyone online).
27 February, 2021 at 1:08 pm #1135361I’ve yet to see a single argument as to why banning guests would be a good idea. Please decribe how it has improved chat. “Less abuse” is not an acceptable answer, I am insulted every time a enter a room (if there is anyone online).
I would also ask that you state why any such benfit was not already offered by the members only room.
27 February, 2021 at 1:16 pm #1135362some regs were abusive….so they were banned…..
They were banned, you say?
This was the first message in the chat log when I signed in:
27 February, 2021 at 4:29 pm #1135370I’ve yet to see a single argument as to why banning guests would be a good idea.
Please decribe how it has improved chat.
“Less abuse” is not an acceptable answer, I am insulted every time a enter a room (if there is anyone online).
So you wouldn’t mind being abused every time you enter the room as long as guests were allowed?…
Because I have never seen u complain about the abuse you get on these boards before….and if you have…certainly not to this extent
27 February, 2021 at 8:12 pm #1135385So you wouldn’t mind being abused every time you enter the room as long as guests were allowed?… Because I have never seen u complain about the abuse you get on these boards before….and if you have…certainly not to this extent
You deliberately misinterpret everything I say, as usual.
As I have repeatedly asked on various threads, why is some people allowed to abuse, while others are banned?
1 March, 2021 at 3:57 pm #1135442I would also ask that you state why any such benfit was not already offered by the members only room.
Seems like nobody has an answer to this.
1 March, 2021 at 5:13 pm #1135445I’ve yet to see a single argument as to why banning guests would be a good idea. Please decribe how it has improved chat. “Less abuse” is not an acceptable answer, I am insulted every time a enter a room (if there is anyone online).
I would also ask that you state why any such benfit was not already offered by the members only room.
its a good argument to say don’t use a room where guests can chat then you wouldn’t be abused i.e. Members room
equally beggars the question why didn’t you use the members room if you were abused every time you log online?
look we all know nothing is perfect…sometimes to resolve issues compromises have to be made ….in this case nice guests bore the brunt….it’s martins chatsite and ultimately his decision
if you are still being abused you now know who it is…your complaints will have evidence of a registered chatter…go to the police
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
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