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  • #329167


    you’ve got to be as thick as two short planks to believe that the “Janey – sex chat line operator” character is real.



    Paranoia is a disturbed thought process characterized by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Paranoid thinking typically includes persecutory beliefs concerning a perceived threat.

    Gullible – Easily deceived or duped; naïve, easily cheated or fooled

    cynical –
    1. of or related to the belief that human actions are motivated only or primarily by base desires or selfishness.
    2. skeptical of the integrity, sincerity, or motives of others.
    3. bitterly or jadedly distrustful or contemptuous; mocking.
    4. showing contempt for accepted moral standards by one’s actions.
    5. (medicine, rare) like the actions of a snarling dog.

    ok im closest to the middle one, and happy to be so.(my words )


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    I went to an aldi once. There was a distinct whiff of in the air…put me off ever going back again

    lmao you crack me up :lol: :lol: :lol:


    she copied me,,she had no personality until i put up a thread asking ” who calls them” and all of a sudden she was one ! Poor wee lamb..
    too many lies about her personal life.its not ugo though.Its another attention seeker,,harmless like.But id rather a person of truth than yet other fibberoonie. This internet world is full of them,the pms i personally get. from new names asking for my help etc..
    I wont ever stop one to one ” help” as for 10 liars their MIGHT be a truthful person..and all they have wasted is a few minutes of my time. THEIR loss..


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    you’ve got to be as thick as two short planks to believe that the “Janey – sex chat line operator” character is real.

    Of course they are real it isnt a computerised robot typing what her job is or who she actually is is of very little concern to me she could pretend to be santa claus if she wished this isnt real life im not being conned out of anything by her she isnt harming me even if she is pretending but they are still a human being


    @rubyred wrote:

    she copied me,,she had no personality until i put up a thread asking ” who calls them” and all of a sudden she was one ! Poor wee lamb..
    too many lies about her personal life.its not ugo though.Its another attention seeker,,harmless like.But id rather a person of truth than yet other fibberoonie. This internet world is full of them,the pms i personally get. from new names asking for my help etc..
    I wont ever stop one to one ” help” as for 10 liars their MIGHT be a truthful person..and all they have wasted is a few minutes of my time. THEIR loss..

    ffs ruby thats the point im trying to get across and u put it so easily and eloquently u could have saved me loads of typing lol

    i think its an illness i got why type one word when u can type ten lol


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    she copied me,,she had no personality until i put up a thread asking ” who calls them” and all of a sudden she was one ! Poor wee lamb..
    too many lies about her personal life.its not ugo though.Its another attention seeker,,harmless like.But id rather a person of truth than yet other fibberoonie. This internet world is full of them,the pms i personally get. from new names asking for my help etc..
    I wont ever stop one to one ” help” as for 10 liars their MIGHT be a truthful person..and all they have wasted is a few minutes of my time. THEIR loss..

    ffs ruby thats the point im trying to get across and u put it so easily and eloquently u could have saved me loads of typing lol

    i think its an illness i got why type one word when u can type ten lol

    no problemo poli me lovely..I got that illness too btw :)


    Its called being a woman why use one word when a hundred will do (runs off and hides for a year)


    @pete wrote:

    Its called being a woman why use one word when a hundred will do (runs off and hides for a year)

    a working class woman at that !!

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