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  • #329157 therefore a working class fellow ? dont worry im fellow working class..too many people now call themself by the wrong class.

    id rather be us than someone profoundly snobby :) but then im Old fashioned like that…


    @pete wrote:

    so twas nowt to do wiv seagulls then ?

    lol no


    @pats wrote:

    jeez that was nearly as boring as janeys post………….. :wink:

    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    its a fair cop guvnor it aint an afghan its a whippet wiv a rug thrown over it 8-[


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    If you mean gullible your entitled to your opinion, and ok i take people at face value and let them prove otherwise,Paranoids, cynics and conspiracy theorists think of themselves as the most sceptical, the least gullible of the human race, and hence also as the most secure against disappointment. “If you’re a pessimist,” the saying goes, “at least you’ll never be disappointed”. But that could hardly be more false. Just look at the world of disappointment that Hitler let himself in for when he deduced, from the depths of his cynicism, that Britain was all talk and would never fight. Just look how heartbroken all the cynics and pessimists on today’s political scene are whenever things go well in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    In reality, such people are not the least gullible in the world but the most. For their approach to understanding the complex and frightening world of human affairs is not characterised by the countless possible explanations that they have vowed to reject, but by the single conspiracy-theoretic mode of explanation that they have vowed to believe regardless of all evidence or experience or argument to the contrary. This is not scepticism in the rational sense of the word, it is faith. They have chosen to put blind faith in their conspiracy theories. But the world punishes blind faith. Tyrants in general tend to be paranoid, yet nevertheless, they nearly always end up disappointed as well. Stalin was relatively lucky in his disappointment: most of them die of it.
    But as gullible i may be i don’t suffer fools gladly if i am proved wrong.

    Pointing out a spelling error is all well and good, providing you dont have to google the word yourself :wink:

    …so now can we have your opinion instead of one you copied in its entirety from google? :roll:

    scroll down a little on the attached link people, its all there word for word :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    If you mean gullible your entitled to your opinion, and ok i take people at face value and let them prove otherwise,Paranoids, cynics and conspiracy theorists think of themselves as the most sceptical, the least gullible of the human race, and hence also as the most secure against disappointment. “If you’re a pessimist,” the saying goes, “at least you’ll never be disappointed”. But that could hardly be more false. Just look at the world of disappointment that Hitler let himself in for when he deduced, from the depths of his cynicism, that Britain was all talk and would never fight. Just look how heartbroken all the cynics and pessimists on today’s political scene are whenever things go well in Iraq or Afghanistan.

    In reality, such people are not the least gullible in the world but the most. For their approach to understanding the complex and frightening world of human affairs is not characterised by the countless possible explanations that they have vowed to reject, but by the single conspiracy-theoretic mode of explanation that they have vowed to believe regardless of all evidence or experience or argument to the contrary. This is not scepticism in the rational sense of the word, it is faith. They have chosen to put blind faith in their conspiracy theories. But the world punishes blind faith. Tyrants in general tend to be paranoid, yet nevertheless, they nearly always end up disappointed as well. Stalin was relatively lucky in his disappointment: most of them die of it.
    But as gullible i may be i don’t suffer fools gladly if i am proved wrong.

    Pointing out a spelling error is all well and good, providing you dont have to google the word yourself :wink:

    …so now can we have your opinion instead of one you copied in its entirety from google? :roll:

    scroll down a little on the attached link people, its all there word for word :lol: :lol: :lol:

    you dont actually think i wrote that did ya hahaha :roll: course i got it off the net u nit lol yes i can spell gullible but was actually looking for a shorter explanation on the gullible versus paranoia thing but was the shortest i could find without being too psychopath technical related , which is why i agreed with pats boring comment, dear me do you think that actually needed pointing out lol


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    you dont actually think i wrote that did ya hahaha :roll: course i got it off the net u nit lol yes i can spell gullible but was actually looking for a shorter explanation on the gullible versus paranoia thing but was the shortest i could find without being too psychopath technical related , which is why i agreed with pats boring comment, dear me do you think that actually needed pointing out lol

    HAHA BUSTED!!!!! :oops: <<<<politics

    Do yourself a favour, next time you’re trying to be clever by copying chunks from the net, dumb it down to your level…makes it less obvious :wink: :lol: :lol:


    basically my opinion was that i’d rather appear to be slightly gullible than cynical and paranoid about everything as i think people miss out on so much when they are that way but i didnt want to personalize it but yes i think your unduly cynical and paranoid, though to be fair this place can make you that way, was the same when bluebell joined she was accused of being ugo too, as i know bluebell from chat for years i was able to still that rumour but if it carried on and she received the same cr@p janey(or whoever) has what would make her want to stay and surely the more members that contribute the better as it isnt just for the “select few” and every person contributes something different in their own way.
    Or am i delusional and gullible


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    you dont actually think i wrote that did ya hahaha :roll: course i got it off the net u nit lol yes i can spell gullible but was actually looking for a shorter explanation on the gullible versus paranoia thing but was the shortest i could find without being too psychopath technical related , which is why i agreed with pats boring comment, dear me do you think that actually needed pointing out lol

    HAHA BUSTED!!!!! :oops: <<<<politics

    Do yourself a favour, next time you’re trying to be clever by copying chunks from the net, dumb it down to your level…makes it less obvious :wink: :lol: :lol:

    i would only want to dumb it down to my level if i wanted to make people think i had written it but as that was in no way my intention why would i, maybe i was assuming people would realise by the stalin quote at the end it is obvious it is from a piece of writing, your right i shouldnt assume i guess i will endeavor to put any quotes i make from the internet in a more obvious light in future for those who may be unsure.


    and NO stalling with Stalin !!!

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