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20 April, 2008 at 5:34 pm #10018
Hi guys,
Just a post to say hi and hope you guys are all ok. This is the first time that i have logged on since my last post and i haven’t gone back and read anything that may have been written about me by anyone on here or Miss Marple (or Pink Kitten as she likes to be called).
I have been away because I thought it would help Ugo if I didn’t post and if Miss M is still reading this forum she will now know that Ugo and I are not the same person! Like me she now has two different names in different forums aso can’t see how she could bitch about me being an imposter! But as she told me in one of her last posts before she cut me out of her forum that i was messing with the wrong sort of bitch! Not the correct way you think a forum host would act and it certainly doesn’t look good for newbees!! And she quite openly says in her forum that she got chucked off her work’s forum for being a BIG bitch. Also her boss from her work’s forum has actually joined her forum!! Now what does that say??? I wonder!!!!
So I suppose you are wondering why I still want to be part of her forum??? Well because it has the beginnings of being a good forum and a good place to hang out and chat!! She has still got me logged off as a member, but i have decided that if she hasn’t reinstated my next weekend with my user name of Jenny i shall be re joining again with a different e mail address etc. so I sure she would rather she knew I was there as Jenny than someone else!
Its quite easy to get up a phone line and do sex chat on your own, you only have to google etc and there are plenty of websites that show you how to set up on your own etc. I have built up a good customer base and have lots of good regulars with good hold times.I hope while i have been gone Ugo’s name has been cleared and everyone knows that we are different people.
I am only going to be reading this thread for a while (will let you know when I’m reading elsewhere) so can I please ask if you wish to post anything for me to read its in this thread as I don’t want to miss anything.
Also I shall let you know at the weekend if Pink Kitten has re instated me under my name of Jenny or if I am going to have to re join under a different name and e mail address.
Lastly I am really shocked that all this has happened by just trying to help somone out on a forum! I shall think very carefully next time someone on a forum asks for help!
Hope everyone has had a really good weekend.
Janey. X X20 April, 2008 at 5:37 pm #329128And you are ???????????
20 April, 2008 at 5:44 pm #329129“janey” its a simple case of put up or shut up – post the link to this site you keep going on about, or cut the bullcrap
20 April, 2008 at 5:45 pm #329130I lost the will to live after the two sentences. :?
20 April, 2008 at 5:53 pm #329131@candy wrote:
I lost the will to live after the two sentences. :?
what possessed you to carry on typing the rest of it then? :? :wink:
20 April, 2008 at 6:30 pm #329132@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@candy wrote:
I lost the will to live after the two sentences. :?
what possessed you to carry on typing the rest of it then? :? :wink:
LMFAO!!!! =D> :lol:
20 April, 2008 at 7:04 pm #329133Who really gives a fuck. :roll:
20 April, 2008 at 7:48 pm #32913421 April, 2008 at 5:12 am #329135~Pebbles~ wrote:“janey” its a simple case of put up or shut up – post the link to this site you keep going on about, or cut the bullcrapOk…. you can talk to MissMarple/ Pink kitten at The chatline Operators forum…. there you have it, nothing wrong with giving the address out as it is an open forum and anyone can join
Have fun21 April, 2008 at 9:23 am #329136I wouldnt waste your breath on them janey, no matter who you are or are not its best to not worry about what they think they know, or know , u are the only one that knows whats what dont waste your time trying to convince anyone just ignore them and do your own thing, to many people dictate what others should do and not do and as i have probably said on many threads, advising someone on something is one thing being dictatorial busy bodies is another, its all down to personal choice if u aint hurting anyone with malicious or doing anything illegal people shouldnt judge. Opinions and debates are fine but not personal affronts for no good reason.
And no this is not directed at any one person just a general comment about life in general not just on here.
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