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18 September, 2016 at 9:30 pm #1000054
Donkey’s years ago, about a month after I came to this site I was sat in chat in a different chat name to my reg one and I saw my reg name being brought into the conversation by two of the room gobshyte regs. They went on to tell the rest of the room how since I had been here I had managed to sleep with four women and was also prone to come on to the odd gay bloke, considering I was shlt scared of the place for about the first three weeks I must have got through some action in the fourth week.
Anyway after they had finished, I made myself known and told them what liars they were, all eloquently put of course
surprisingly they both decided it was bedtime and left sharpish, laughable tosspots.
So the point is, I was just wondering if anyone had ever experienced the same type of thing?
It took you as long as 4 weeks? Slack Alice you ….
Probably most of us have experienced the same… somer I’ve been asked if I was in earlier…….when I have logged in I have been sent copy and pasted stuff from room convo on a few occasions and it’s sometimes surprising who says what…other times you know it’s the usual culprits with their tittle tattle and assumptions …..but say anything to them about what they get upto and it’s never true…etrange that lol
Anyway you’ve survived like all of us doLol @ Slack Alice, I’ve just noticed it. Been called many names but never that, it makes a refreshing change.
18 September, 2016 at 10:49 pm #1000062as long as everyone to see is happy.. hiya kenty.. hope you are well darling girl. x I do not really use chat rooms anymore. there are too may false hopes and misuderstandings.. you always tickled me. with good humour and niceness.. just had beans on toast for supper as I need more fibre and less cholsteraol.
life is fine//.. many happy a memory..
18 September, 2016 at 10:56 pm #1000064a lot of good folks here..
18 September, 2016 at 11:05 pm #1000065I can even remember the storytellers :) the singing ringing tree. :)
18 September, 2016 at 11:40 pm #1000072cosy,, you made out you would hit and punch a woman.. I cannot bear a wife beater. taking echo up the rigs.. slashing their faces.. I thought you were a funny lad once..
I will never meet you. and no one. ido not like wife beaters.
18 September, 2016 at 11:48 pm #1000073fuck,, oh please I cannot be worthy f pats chat.. I am bored. good people ok.. but I am bored.
18 September, 2016 at 11:50 pm #1000074moon, fasty.pats and away to sleep
19 September, 2016 at 12:10 am #1000075And Veronica.. always the same.. I’m kinda bored. I pretend I leave a place.. I am bored. Veronica and jerry.. I’m laughing at how.
19 September, 2016 at 12:11 am #1000076bed.. x
19 September, 2016 at 12:12 am #1000077bored.. veronica.. cant be fucked.
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