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29 October, 2012 at 11:23 am #19343
This week we are having a new kitchen and new electrical wireing. My other half went round the downstairs taking pictures for our own condition survey. When he had uploaded them on to his laptop he had a look through and found this pic ……..He is convinced that the circle on the stairs is an orb …….i googled ‘orb’ images and the results show identical to what we have on our laptops
Over the years there have been quite a few strange things happen in our house and we firmly believe there have been ghosts/spirits of both humans and animal with us. It has been documented that animals are more susceptible to activity that is non human and our cat indicates a presence quite often.
29 October, 2012 at 11:29 am #513579Looks like one to me Tinks. Do you remember Little Miss – the ghost hunter?! I emailed her some photos I had taken asking her what were those round things, and she said orbs to me – I had never heard of them lol Having said that, we kinda had a feeling we have a ghostie in our presence – hubby doesn’t believe in it AT ALL – but, he did hear it one night, which is quite a relief as now he doesn’t think I am ‘quite’ as mad as he thought! :lol:
29 October, 2012 at 11:35 am #513580hey anc…….i had many conversations with little miss about the goings on in our house……black cat walking down the hall, a man’s heavy breathing in the bedroom one night that was so loud and disruptive i moved into the back bedroom the next day and there’s someone who touches my left shoulder which always feels like a kind of a reassurance thing
29 October, 2012 at 12:37 pm #513581oooooo we got a man too – he kinda muffly sings at night sometimes…………also got a cupboard door with a tear stain on it, by the handle and it refuses to close – we, as in, Little Miss and us, think that ‘they’ (I have seen a woman, I think it was anyway, twice rush past a window with a headscarf on) must have shut someone in there at some point! Eeeks eh? However, I’m not scared ‘cos of Little Miss, bless her. :)
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