Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Islam is taking over society

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  • #230456

    @womble wrote:

    the story of alton towers having a muslim day is about 2 weeks old
    it was debated on the john gaunt show on talk sport
    and it was pointed out that non muslims would still be welcome on the day in question

    so it’s old news rehashed by the bigots of the bnp just to try and stir up trouble
    jeez there’s a surprise

    The BNP reported it before jon gaunt spoke about it on talksport. Jon gaunt has atleast 3 policies that the BNP have, but he wont admit he agrees with them, 007?

    Why would a non muslim wana take part in a muslim day, that will suspend men and women mixing on the rides, gambling, alcohol and smoking, provided prayer areas and imposed a traditional Muslim dress code???

    Doesn’t seem worth going, unless your a muslim.

    womble, are you proud of your bigoted behaviour?


    @Mr Amphibian wrote:

    Emma, I’m now wondering if some of the other things you have said are right.
    This one is.

    I hope that anything bad that i report here, is wrong, but i fear not.

    Take a look at this:

    You know, its alright for folk to enter our country and way of life, then speak their own language, continue a foreign culture, but why should we learn a foreign culture to accomodate them?

    Surely if you wana live in England/britain, you learn English/british culture, so you fit in?

    Is islam taking over? Well there are enough people who arnt muslims doing their best to make it happen, and they dont care about English/british culture, they care about destroying it if anything.


    @Mr Amphibian wrote:

    @Magoo wrote:

    I have to say, when I’m in London I like the Muslims because they don’t drink and give me more room in the pub!


    That’s a good example of other cultures knowing their place when they choose to come and live in Britain.
    I have no problems with people who believe that alcohol is wrong staying out of British pubs.

    I’m beginning to have a problem with people who believe that alcohol is wrong complaining that they are OFFENDED by other (indigenous) people drinking in British pubs.

    Now, I’m not stupid. I know damn well that it is wishy-washy, lefty, liberal, vote-hunting, idiots who are doing the complaining – rather than the actual people who might have a legitimate reason to complain. It’s pretty obvious.

    And, no, I have NEVER visited a BNP site or read any of their literature.

    Just in case you had failed to notice, the people who are “offended” by drinking are also “indigenous” to this country- and they have as much right to complain about drinking as I do about the hypocrisy of catholics n birth control and the subjugation of women through a deliberate policy of enforced motherhood.

    We can all complain and have every right too- my missus is offended by sex on TV (it makes her back ache n she keeps fallin off)


    Mr Drivel I assure you I’m not making light of this. The affairs of Alton Towers are at the heart of our very way of life. If we don’t stand up for Alton Towers, next it will be Legoland Windsor. Why is Tony Blair off in Russia at the G8 summit when Britain is under such peril? You should only be allowed on the rides at Alton Towers if you can sing “Rock of Ages” or recite the Nicene creed.


    Perhaps a nationalistic English group should book Aton Towers- anyone can go but they have to behave like the English do…. get pis/hed until they can’t walk, have a baby at 15, fight anyone who is ahead of them in the queue, sing God Save The Queen 5 times during a football match and then have an distinct lack of ability to understand why every other European nation looks upon them with such distaste.

    yeah, lets have an English day at Alton Towers


    @emmalush wrote:

    @womble wrote:

    the story of alton towers having a muslim day is about 2 weeks old
    it was debated on the john gaunt show on talk sport
    and it was pointed out that non muslims would still be welcome on the day in question

    so it’s old news rehashed by the bigots of the bnp just to try and stir up trouble
    jeez there’s a surprise

    The BNP reported it before jon gaunt spoke about it on talksport. Jon gaunt has atleast 3 policies that the BNP have, but he wont admit he agrees with them, 007?

    Why would a non muslim wana take part in a muslim day, that will suspend men and women mixing on the rides, gambling, alcohol and smoking, provided prayer areas and imposed a traditional Muslim dress code???

    Doesn’t seem worth going, unless your a muslim.

    womble, are you proud of your bigoted behaviour?

    sticks and stones…….

    why is it you claim to want a free society but anyone who dares to disagree with your own views out comes the verbals from your good self??


    In answer to the original point, I bet you that this has happened for other corporate events when companies have privately booked Alton Towers. Only when Muslims are involved does it get mentioned.

    As for the point which came up about Gaunt “supporting” the BNP or whatever, I agree with some of the things the Lib Dems say but I’m no supporter of them.

    Just my 2p.


    @Mr Amphibian wrote:

    Yes, exactly. And why? (See Emma’s points elsewhere). Is it mentioned because it makes Muslims look like victims to certain sections of British society? Because there is a big argument at the moment and they want to sell papers? Because our government reacts like Pavlov’s dogs to the things the Daily Scum prints? Who, exactly, is trying to make me believe that my own culture/background has got to be compromised to accommodate other cultures when reciprocation of that compromise would be laughable to “them”?

    I repeat: I have NEVER read any BNP stuff. It just makes me wonder.

    There are too many agendas, but that’s life I suppose. I take it all with a pinch of salt, from ALL papers and try to read between the lines.

    To be honest I don’t care who is trying to make me think I have to change to “accommodate” other cultures. A good bloke/woman is a good bloke/woman in my eyes, sod the religion thing I’m not interested.

    I’ve read the BNP stuff every now and again, if I didn’t I would not be in any place to comment on them.


    @Gentle Ben wrote:

    To be honest I don’t care who is trying to make me think I have to change to “accommodate” other cultures. A good bloke/woman is a good bloke/woman in my eyes, sod the religion thing I’m not interested.

    Never a wiser word spoken. Well, perhaps by me but never by any of you lot.


    @Mr Amphibian wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    Perhaps a nationalistic English group should book Aton Towers- anyone can go but they have to behave like the English do…. get pis/hed until they can’t walk, have a baby at 15, fight anyone who is ahead of them in the queue, sing God Save The Queen 5 times during a football match and then have an distinct lack of ability to understand why every other European nation looks upon them with such distaste.

    yeah, lets have an English day at Alton Towers

    Think you’ve just proved my point. If that is how English culture is percieved, then why not?

    Middle-Eastern culture is percieved as a load of towel-wearing terrorists, rolling in oil and slagging off everyone who isn’t Muslim. Killing their relatives because they want to marry someone autside their social status. So why the heck have we got to give them the time of day, when they are in our country? Would they give a sh!t about my beliefs if I was in “their” country?

    Get real man, We are different. Let the world think what it will about the English, let it think what it will about every Nationality. Let the world do it knowing where these nationalities are are, geographically speaking.


    (You’re a Scot aren’t you?) Any old excuse to have a go at tthe English.

    Irony..maybe it’s lost on these boards but more importantly….

    SCOT, SCOT ffs- I am born and bred of the original Mongrel nation that is this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England

    MY first wife was black, my second wife is half Irish, my kids are a wonderful mixture of everything n my dad was half welsh… n I loathe, with a passion, ignorance and prejudice as my children continue to fight to live in a world that looks upon them as different.

    My point, clearly lost, was if you wish to stereotype any section of society, any country, any race, any creed, you can do so….but it is through ignorance you do so not from any knowledge or understanding of that said race, creed etc.

    If Alton Towers has a Muslim day, a Gay day, an OAP day, a DCFC only day, a “wear a pink carnation day”…it doesnt bloody matter….We all belong to the same wonderful country (for all its faults, of which it has many) and to single out a particular day because it is a Muslim day, whilst ignoring every other time Alton Towers is hired out is just barmy.

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