Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Is rape a 21st Century crime?
20 February, 2007 at 11:29 am #258919
Bit your looking at it far too literally and with gender preconceptions
Its a known fact that more and more women now think like men, and that there are higher levels of testosterone in a pregnant womans womb now than there were even 20 years ago soin the first instance biologically more women do quite literally think more “like men” nowadays because their brains work somewhere between the way the two function rather than sitting at the feminine extreme
Add to that changing social views and fewer women bound by social constrictions of how a woman “should” act, who are as likely to see a man they dont know and think “I’m gonna have him tonight”
And then you have the ones who have had their “itch” build up over hours, days, weeks or with many married women months who go out with the single minded intent of “pulling”
Women are as far from the painted poor ickle sexual bunny rabbits hunted down by the male sexual predator as can be and never HAVE been that bunny rabbit
What has been going on for eons tho is a mass illusion that lets men think they are the predator when infact in many cases they are as predatorial as the fox walking into a baited trap, or more acurately like peacocks, fluffing their feathers to get a femalle, but the final decision of which male gets the prize and pretty much always has been the females
You cant woo someone who doesnt fancy you, but you hardly have to try with someone who does
As its been more socially acceptable for women to be the predator rather than having to “act” ladylike more know what they want sexually and just go out and get it no different to how the stereotypical male is imagined to
As with most interpersonal interactions some would like us to see this in a far far more simplistic manner than is the actuality of it in the real world
20 February, 2007 at 1:47 pm #258920I do see your point, but by saying women are thinking like men and with regards to your examples you are stating that men, do indeed, think that way.
I have realised from this discussion that although each sex have different traits that do distinguish them, stereotyping gender is not the way to go.
20 February, 2007 at 2:25 pm #258921I didnt say or mean “all” men think that way and I apologise if thats how you read it, I was simply responding your own comment about testosterone making “men” think in a certain way which was itself a flawed generalisation used by feminists for decades to portray the make gender as some rampant breed of rapists incapable of controlling their urges and women being the poor little non sexually motivated delicate creatures always “taken” by the nasty men
Infact one quite famous quote from a still extremely active feminist campaigner is that ALL hetrosexual sex is rape and should be treated as such, not surprisingly as with many modern feminist activists she was a rug muncher at the time and had an ardent and overt dislike of men in gender, but was still a chairperson for several of the largest feminist organisations despite her lack of objectivity and extreme bias
Baiscally men have chemicals that make them horny, so do women, each can become so instantly or over time, each has a vastly varied personal ability to control, suppress and dismiss those urges as well as vast amounts of men who act and think about sex in an inherrently “feminine” way and vast amounts of women who do to all intents and purposes think about and look at sex in an inherrently “male” way (and thank the lord for them lol ;))
Only peiople who dont really get to know the opposite gender in any real way still cling to the gender wide assumptive stereotypes, but unfortunately our government and legal system seem to be part of that
The genders arent really any different at all, its just masked by social conditioning, double standards and gender stereotypes even tho more women are now starting to be more natural, open and honest about them nowadays
21 February, 2007 at 7:31 am #258922The genders are different physically, mentally and emotionally. They have to be different because different amounts of hormones have different effects on the brain. They also have different outlooks on life, due to their differences. It is a known fact that men that have high levels of testosterone are very sensitive to sexual images and a normal adult male produces approx 25-30 times more than an adult female.
I don’t think one sex is better than the other but I do believe they are different. Did I mention different lol.
Before I forget I keep meaning to post something on the main topic but I think Slidersuk says it best:
“As mentioned in a post above if the evidence was there then fair enough, but by an examination of this person it would actually show you had sex so it cant just be decided on evidence – if you said no before having any sexual activity and it was forced then fair enough thats rape as you have not consented at all, but if you consent then half way through decide you have changed your mind that cant be rape can it?
I think its different when its someone who has been viciously attacked in the street or from a pub and forced to have sex, than someone simply drunk who may consent then change their mind, or simply forget they consented in the 1st place as they were that drunk – surely someone who gets so drunk to not remember whether they did, didnt or whatever shouldnt be dealt with in the same way!!!”
21 February, 2007 at 8:28 am #258923We will have to agree to differ on that lol, I know the genders have different hormones, but the end result and reactions is identical in some men to women and vice versa
We have evolved past being controlled by the chemicals in our brains, other wise ALL sex would be rape and we would still be clubbing people to death if they took food off our plate
As for getting drunk, if someone gets so drunk they cant remember what they were doing and cries rape I wouldnt class it as a valid accusation personally, but would tell them to take more personal responsibility for their safety and drinking habits, but the courts and society at large doesnt see it that way and is heavily fembot pandering and was/is trying to introduce changes to the law so that even a sober woman who has had alcohol in ANY quantity is classed as being incapable of giving consent for sex
22 February, 2007 at 4:11 am #258924Seems to me if that’s the case GET OFF THEM!
I maybe naive but how does a man get raped by a female?
22 February, 2007 at 8:01 am #258925Well it depends what your definition of rape is, the legal one stil specifically states a penis entering a vagina and works from the rather silly premise that men have sex with women, the man being the DO’er and the woman being “DONE”
But imagine a woman ontop? Who is “doing” who?
A more workable modern definition would be any sexual intercourse committed on an unwilling participant
But that aside, where did I mention a man being raped? Basically I didnt, what I DID do was highlight how sexist, inequal and nonsensical the proposed change to the rape law was and that if a woman is classed as being incapable of giving consent if she has had a drink then so EQUALLY should be a man OR also EQUALLY both should be legally classed as able to give consent or women should just be banned from drinking full stop if it has that much effect on them
But answering your question anyway, in an EQUAL society and working within the framework of that definition a man SHOULD be raped if any women has sex with him if he has drunk ANY alcohol, the same conditions that are being proposed as what will constitute the rape of a woman
Fait innit? Do you have a problem with fairness and equality at all?
26 February, 2007 at 2:12 am #258926If a man has an he sexually aroused?..I’m trying to understand this!
26 February, 2007 at 3:41 am #258927Well I dont think you are actually “trying” to understand it at all actually
By the erection arguement a woman who is lubricated could also be classed as aroused the couldnt she by that train of illogic, and as that happens naturally then theres no such thing as rape all of a sudden, you might as well say that if a womans vagina is penetrable she is aroused and therefore consenting
What makes you think arousal alone is consent for sex?
Consent is a cognitive decision, not a physical manifestation, and thinking otherwise is just paying homage to the reather idiotic and nonsensical notion that men think with their dicks, one that rather stupid women seem to believe for some odd reason
In the example I gave a woman is classed as not giving consent JUST because she has had a drink. remember that bit because its important
So even if SHE instigates sex and is the predatorial one all the way through the act SHE is still the one who is classed as incapable of consent even is she is horny as hell, aroused to the point of looking longingly at door handles and gushing sex wee like a burst hose pipe
But the law is set to claim that even in those circumstances that woman would have been raped if she has intercourse
So keeping that in mind, a man who is equally aroused who has also had just as much to drink should equally be incapable of giving consent and therefore equalllu capable of being raped if a woman has sex with him
Thats equality
The body to varying degrees also responds to direct stimulus, as an example men have been known to get erections during torture, women have had orgasms during labour and even rape
Are you trying to claim that those are all sexual in nature then? That the man having his intestines removed is getting aroused by it and the orgasming rape victim is lapping it up?
Many men will at some point have slept with someone and had an erection but because of the relationship or because of a fall out DONT want to fuck them, so theres no cognitive consent there
Suppose a man turns down his partner and she starts fucking him whilst asleep? Should that be rape?
Suppose a man has an erection through direct stimulation whilst not wanting to take part in intercourse and is then ridden, shouldnt that be rape?
How about being penetrated with foriegn bodies such as vibrators? Rape surely?
The proposed changes in the law arent about sending mroe rapists to jail, they are only about getting more prosecutions full stop and about sending more MEN to jail
Justice, fairness and equality arent any part of these new laws, just fembot pandering man bashing
26 February, 2007 at 5:03 am #258928No, I was just trying to understand., just asking was all!
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