Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Is homophobia, bigotry?

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  • #237089

    @Magoo wrote:

    Let’s get it out in the open.

    You fixed your webcam? :lol:


    @Magoo wrote:

    Oh dear… is that it?

    Can you understand why so many people think you are such a twat or does the cider still cloud your thinking? Accuse me of attacks and fights, and thats what you come up with? You really are a desperate, sad and lonely boy.

    Thanks for (not) answering what you accused me of. Your infamy grows.

    Way off topic Trapps/Geoff/Magoo. :-s


    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    It’s about phobia and bigotry. Phobias are beyond our control, bigotry is chosen.

    Edit Therefore a genuine homophobe is not a bigot.

    Owen, wheres the hatred in homophobia?

    Why do you think gay people, the media and white liberals call homophobic people bigot’s?


    To me (stuff the dictionary) Bigot = ignorant! And to be a homophobic (in my opinion) is sad i would like 1 solid reason why people dont like gays? I want a gay male friend seriously its my ambition hehe :wink:


    @becky wrote:

    To me (stuff the dictionary) Bigot = ignorant!

    ignorant • adjective 1 lacking knowledge or awareness in general. 2 (often ignorant of) uninformed about or unaware of a specific subject or fact. 3 informal rude; discourteous.

    Being a bigot doesn’t mean your ignorant. If you dont go on the dictionary, what language you speaking? Every word you use above, is in the dictionary…

    I know of some gay males, and one in particular, he’s an absolutely brilliant friend, would do just about anything for you, and helped me out once when no one else could or would.

    What i dont like about him, and most gay males is the way they talk, its so lar de dar, it turns me off them completly. Another, is man on man sex acts.

    Im quite happy to be called anything for not liking gay men in that way.

    It is then also bigotry when a gay man doesn’t like hetrosexual sexuality, or a specific way they behave, and that is the case, because they dont have hetrosexual sex.

    We have a problem in society, its about defending minorities regardless of what majorities feel. “we” dont mind upsetting majorities for the sake of minorities, thats WRONG! You can defend all people without upsetting anyone in the process.

    If homophobia is bigotry, then those who dont like George bush, bin laden, plain flavoured crisps, Accrington Stanley FC, are bigot’s.


    Excuse me!!…..sorry to interrupt, but I was just looking for a good argument and somebody said I should try here?

    Do I need to start my own or can I just stick my oar into this one?….. :D


    @emmalush wrote:

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    It’s about phobia and bigotry. Phobias are beyond our control, bigotry is chosen.

    Edit Therefore a genuine homophobe is not a bigot.

    Owen, wheres the hatred in homophobia?

    Why do you think gay people, the media and white liberals call homophobic people bigot’s?

    I already answered that when I stated that the term homophobe is misused.


    @acantha wrote:

    Excuse me!!…..sorry to interrupt, but I was just looking for a good argument and somebody said I should try here?

    Do I need to start my own or can I just stick my oar into this one?….. :D

    you wont win mind u , u n gooey seem to be getting along ok just remember tho ……never never ever cross him :roll: :? :? be afraid…….be very afraid if u do………… :shock: :shock: :wink: on the whole he ignores me lol cos i’m just a tiny ickle insignificant poster lol *phew* :wink: :wink:

    welcome to the boards by the way hun lol xx


    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    It’s about phobia and bigotry. Phobias are beyond our control, bigotry is chosen.

    Edit Therefore a genuine homophobe is not a bigot.

    Owen, wheres the hatred in homophobia?

    Why do you think gay people, the media and white liberals call homophobic people bigot’s?

    I already answered that when I stated that the term homophobe is misused.

    Your saying that hating someones sexuality, is bigotry.

    Is homophobia, hatred of homosexuality?

    If not, then bigotry is not hatred.


    Do you mean Magoo?…….he’s never done me any harm and until he does he’s ok in my book.
    I’m not afraid of anybody Cathy, I’m well able to look after myself in any chats.

    Thanks for the welcome! :D

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