penny,i was so sad to hear of your sorrow that nobody had replied to your thread
but don’t despair,it happens to all us luv.
maybe it just wasn’t the right time for a cuddly cut cat collage,but hey keep your chin up,keep banging away at your computer and you may just may come out with something interesting one day.
you know what they say give enough monkeys enough typewriters and eventually one of them will write a Shakespeare ad infinitum.
I wont bother again I am in a deep depression :wink:
Hmmm wander what laine was saying about me lolShe did disappear rather quick when I came in jc this morning. Not that I give a shyte like. Don’t give a shyte what anyone says, be nice though as welshy sed if they would say it to you rather than everyone els.
odd welshy say that too u moon and when your not in her and netty call u the biggest drunk in jc , well besides me that is … im shocked u even listen to a word that comes out of her mouth moon if im honest , but each too their own lol :shock: