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17 May, 2021 at 8:36 pm #1139544
Can still get covid
17 May, 2021 at 8:58 pm #1139545Unless it is for good reason (medical etc) people in the UK who refuse the Covid jabs should be locked underground 200 feet down in a 20 by 20 bunker (foot), preferably in Wigan or thereabouts, for the next ten years alongside DOA. We may consider parole for good behaviour if they manage to endure 1 week of DOA without mercilessly beating him with their military ration packs until his eyeballs bleed.
People who refuse the vaccination on the grounds it is a global conspiracy to inject tracking chips etc should have no access to the NHS and publicly owned buildings, libraries etc, nor publicly owned outside space where they may infect innocent members of the public who couldn’t have the vaccine for medical reasons etc.
Plague-carrying Covid deniers should not be afforded the same civil rights as those of us who stoutly and bravely endured the vaccine.
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17 May, 2021 at 9:44 pm #1139546Perhaps instead I should ask for a definition of what a vaccine is.
17 May, 2021 at 9:48 pm #1139547Hmmm…. Linda you really don’t get how people think here. So I’m going to try and explain.
Self sacrifice is common trait in the UK. From taking on terrorist with anything close to hand or jumping off a bridge to save someone….risking your own life to save others is common. If you want I can post a few links to stories on this.
So when we talk about vaccinates in the UK that spirit of self sacrifice is still alive. Millions wait there turn for a vaccine in the first pandemic in 100 years. Understanding they may risk there lives doing so. They stay way from friends and family encase they put them at risk.
If 20 million people choose to ignore the covid rules and laws do you think any government could force people to do that? If a few thousand people storm a vaccinate centre do you think our Police could stop them?
Our government rules by consent. They keep us inform and updated on changes so we can all understand the risk.
No one is “forced” to take a vaccine here. The numbers of those already vaccinated is so high that if you choose not to have one, you should be OK. Those who want to travel outside the UK may require one……but that’s the choice of there destinations.
The concept of not harming others here is demonstrated by those wearing masks. Again this law cant be enforced but people choose to follow it. They understand the risk to others by not doing so.
I was receiving my second vaccination yesterday like many others. People cued in the rain and patently waited there turn. They weren’t loaded off busses or thrown out of Police vans, no armed Police forcing people inside…. just people drinking coffee and waiting to be seen.
And that’s the main point of freedom. The freedom to access information and choose.
But let say our government did nothing. Just let this pandemic run and burn itself out much like the Spanish flu a 100 years ago. Brushing it under the table, censoring news reports and carrying on normally….much like in India then what?
There be panic, fear and riots. As the body count increased effecting every family in the UK public anger would grow. The government wouldn’t last a week and members killed openly or jailed for life. We’re a rebellious lot at the best of times and our politicians know it.
And unlike our American users…. we don’t need guns to remove a government. Our Police and armed forces wont stand in our way. There more likely to be on the front line with the rest of us.
Again govern by consent………. we dont live in fear of our leaders, they live in fear of us.
17 May, 2021 at 11:34 pm #1139548I WIll Not comment on all u said at moment as little tired.
However the American people are now being “Forced” to get vaccines. If not vaccinated consequences will be stiff.
Again fishy you seem to think that all Americans walk around or the gun speaks for us all as a weapon to use against our voice of a simple “no.” If you look into whom holding guns and trouble, those of groups wanting to voice opinions. The mentally challenged. The addicted craze of some. Military, police. So talk to the hand. Right to protect and hold arms. American people can not control the insanity of some. While others grew up hunting for seasonal food, sport.
Lol we dont fear our leaders problem is our leaders dictate, demand and control our money
18 May, 2021 at 12:10 am #1139549There are no reports of forced vaccinated programs in the States.
A growing number of states, cities and companies are offering incentives to encourage people to get vaccinated. And the sweeteners keep getting bigger and better.
New Jersey, for example, is picking up the tab for a free beer for anyone who can prove they got a shot. Maryland is offering state employees US$100, while Lancaster, California, is trying to encourage teens to get inoculated by entering their names in a raffle for college scholarships worth up to $10,000. Not to be outdone, Ohio announced on May 12, 2021, that it was creating a lottery with prizes of up to a full four-year scholarship for newly vaccinated teens and $1 million for adults.
Linda where are you getting your information from?
18 May, 2021 at 1:55 am #1139550I’ve been sat here for the last hour wondering if Linda knows what forced vaccinated is
So I’m going to give her an example
Puds who loved by all is out on the town, he refused a covid vaccine and wont wear a mask too. Visiting bars, buy drinks and kissing girls. ( You can tell this is a fantasy, he never brought a round yet).
After a long night of spreading the love, Puds returns home with Kylie Jenner. ( Caitlyn Jenner for our woke members)
While lost in sweet loving making for the 8th time, with a Nolan’s cd playing in the back ground.. he’s fails to hear the door being kick in and the local swat team rush in tasering him on his bum just above his Mighty Mouse tattoo
They push him to the floor and inject him with johnson & johnson’s janssen covid-19 vaccine. One of the swat team look at a naked Kylie/Caitlyn Jenner and say ” tell your friends what you saw here, tell everyone what you saw here tonight. Get vaccine by Fri or be next !!” Kicking puds a few times in the nuts.. he leaves.
That a forced vaccine program. You are held down and forced to take it by government law enforcement officers.
But the truth about vaccine programs around the world is much darker. Vaccines are routinely withheld from minority ethnic groups as a form of ethnic cleansing. Forced sterilization is common too.
18 May, 2021 at 5:23 am #1139554Fishy I have a life and we have time differences.
Please..forced. yep. President just said today..Americans all need to be vaccinated. Everyone. You know how many people I know who lied saying they did so not to have themself jumped on.
Employers want workers vaccinated. If u dont oh duh so a person wearing a mask people will assume not vaccinated. We all eventually are going to have to show proof of the card we were.
Fishy u can report all u want what you find thank you. However what u read…is not what I am seeing. People’s fear can change society as a whole.
18 May, 2021 at 5:46 am #1139555And fishy..doa..not sure what real involvement you have with woman but you not talking to a woman who stupid. Reporting facts in where I live and see and actions regarding vaccines.
I don’t live in u.k. so therefore I don’t speak of your government or where u live or what people are doing or acting with covid jabs..I dont know. But few here I have read didn’t want to take either. Nor did I. Yes I felt forced as if I didn’t my travel plans would certainly be targeted. Not allowed to travel. I, as many bust our rear ends daily. We look forward to our vacations our get aways..if i didn’t well my life style would be impeded and my enjoyment.
Like you appointment made. I stood on a line of 200 people or more waiting my turn. Felt like herded cattle to be branded. You know how many I spoke with WHO 99.5 percent did not want to take vaccine..scared.side effects. So forth. Felt forced too.
AND if you vaccinated no masks or social distance needed. Lol so those who will continue to decide to wear mask will be a target for the crazy. But lol many places right now still want mask and distance. So to go back to normal so called society future wardrobe still colorful masks and designs. Society changed to incorporate covid in our daily living.
18 May, 2021 at 7:44 am #1139556I have no issues with Linda and Sassy…but I cant get my head round some of your comments…
We all know the Americans love a conspiracy theory and a grassy knoll but c’mone….
I was offered the flu vac for the first time this year…cheeky fookers how dare they
however I did file the letter in the bin….but I never once thought to myself I will not have the covid vac….why wouldn’t you give yourself and want your friends and family and fellow human being a chance of survival should they become infected?….everyone now knows someone who has died or become very ill with the disease…if not then you are a very lucky person and count your blessings but don’t assume that luck will continue
Linda we also live in a free society..have the right to say yes or no….but no one knew the world was going to change….and now we cant take things for granted in our future from similar happening again….we have to all pull together no matter where we are or who we are….u sound resentful you felt forced to have the jab but you should be grateful there has been a way you can fly to the UK to see the love of your life
Lots of people globally are working on and with the vaccine in some sort of capacity….all we have to do is stand in a queue and receive a life saver….is it really that hard to comprehend?
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