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    JA cysgu iown yn nefoedd .diolch ti i helpu fi ac i dy cyfeillgrwch. hywl fawr cymro.gorffwys yn hedd . defad/sheep .


    This is a true shock. We will really miss you Ped…why do all the good ones have to leave so soon??

    My thoughts and condolences to Peds family and naturally to you mims xoxox


    I’m sorry for my comments. Was just hurt, shocked, didn’t want such a great guy to be slated or gossiped about, I hope you all understand :cry:

    I know he’d have hated for it to be made a big deal of. So, I won’t say much more.

    I love & respect you, always will mate.

    Punk will always live on o/


    Mr J xx

    Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
    Time grabs you by the wrist
    And directs you where to go
    So make the best of this test and don’t ask why
    It’s not a question,
    But a lesson learned in time

    For the times you listened to my ” incessant chatter “, for the times you made me howl with laughter at your quips in the room, for whooshing out of the room and returning as JA ( or Super-Ped as I nick named you ) with your y-fronts on the outside, for the times I watched you cross verbal swords with some unsuspecting mutant and won hands down, for telling me straight when I needed it, for correcting my smelling phistakes in the room, for laughing at the inane answers in the quiz ( and I’m not mentioning Cardiff every time a geography question came up ), for the love you shared with your soulmate mims and for the friendship you gave myself and Chippy – diolch cariad xxx

    Much loved, much respected – those Boots cannot be filled xx

    Michelle and Col xxx



    If Tears Could…

    If tears could build a stairway
    And memories were a lane,
    I would walk right up to heaven
    To bring you home again.
    No farewell words were spoken.
    No time to say good-bye.
    You were gone before we knew it,
    And only God knows why.
    My heart still aches in sadness
    And secret tears still flow.
    What it meant to lose you,
    No one will ever know.

    Thinking of ((((((((((mims))))))))))))) and peds family at this sad time xxxx


    Ive been trying to find the right words to post here since I heard the news on Monday.. I still cant. My love to my matey and RIP Andy xx


    you were a star on earth and now yer a star in heaven watch us all and make sure we behave.keep shining brightly.remember when september ends ….love ya and will miss ya loads you are a good man .you may be gone but you live on in our hearts .we wont forget you .shine on you crazy diamond xxxxxxx


    I just had to say that I spoke to Andy quite a few times, I was in total shock when I read this. Knowing that I will never see him on MSN again is quite sad. He was a great guy and a great friend. I wasnt able to find what happened to him, can someone PM me or post it. Im really sorry for such a great loss, my thoughts are with his boys and his family.

    Andy introduced me to Green Day and much more, whenever I hear any of this music, its him I will think about him.



    Hey Andy.
    I,ve been sat here, thinking about you again, and the fun we used to have in the rooms.
    Do you remember sometimes, when we were on duty, we,d have “rows”? We used to have the chatters in fits didn,t we?
    Then you would try to eject me and me you. Of course, being on duty, neither of us could eject the other, but it made everyone laugh didnt, it?
    Then I,d try and put you on silence, and of course, being staff, that couldnt be done either. grr lol.
    I do miss you.
    Night sweetheart.
    Love ya to bits always.
    Batty xxxx


    If any of Andys family read this im sure they will be touched.

    Rest in peace mate, i had fun doing guide shifts with you, you where a true gent and possibly one of the sharpest cutting humours iv known



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