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  • #268799


    Hey Andy.
    GM held a minutes silence for you last night in 40,s, and I did the same in forum 2 at their request.
    Needless to say we were all in floods of tears. I know you,d tell us all off for crying over you, but we couldnt help it.
    We all miss you so much.
    Whose gonna shout arse at me in pc now eh? You always did that and made me jump you sod lol.
    Goodnight sweetheart.
    Love you to bits always.
    Batty xxx


    Deepest condolences to family and Mims. Shell xx

    Words cannot convey how I feel.
    You will be missed so much by everyone who knew you
    Sadly missed but never forgotten


    I want to say thank you from Ped/Andy/JA and from me.

    His funeral will be on Friday 11 May at 4.00

    His birthday is on 14th May.

    He would have been telling you all to stop snivelling and dribbling by now you sucking flappages!

    a one off, he always said i’d never meet anyone like him again – he was right there!


    Theres nothing i can say but R.I.P. my friend


    I have read all the dedications and there are some truely lovely words for Pedant. For some there is now a space that can never be filled.

    I myself didn’t have that many conversatons with him but when I did, he was only ever nice to me and he always made me laugh which is what chat for me is all about.

    thanks Pedant
    tinks x


    Can’t believe this! :cry: :cry:

    Was he ill? Or was this sudden?

    Not used JC in ages but I used to have a right laugh at the quizzes with Ped and had a fair few good convos on msn too.

    Thoughts are with you Mims.


    It Ends Tonght – All American Rejects

    Your subtleties
    They strangle me
    I can’t explain myself at all.
    And all that wants
    And all that needs
    All I don’t want to need at all.

    The walls start breathing
    My minds unweaving
    Maybe it’s best you leave me alone.
    A weight is lifted
    On this evening
    I give the final blow.

    When darkness turns to light,
    It ends tonight
    It ends tonight.

    A falling star
    Least I fall alone.
    I can’t explain what you can’t explain.
    Your finding things that you didn’t know
    I look at you with such disdain

    The walls start breathing
    My minds unweaving
    Maybe it’s best you leave me alone.
    A weight is lifted
    On this evening
    I give the final blow.

    When darkness turns to light
    It ends tonight,
    It ends tonight.
    Just a little insight will make this right
    It’s too late to fight
    It ends tonight,
    It ends tonight.

    Now I’m on my own side
    It’s better than being on your side
    It’s my fault when your blind
    It’s better that I see it through your eyes

    All these thoughts locked inside
    Now you’re the first to know

    sleep tight cwtchyone, i know you loved this song


    Still not sure what to say…..sorry mims and JA’s family dosnt seem to say enough really, the chats i had with Ped were few and far between, but he was always there to help me when i first started guiding.

    R.I.P Ped :cry:


    hi ped
    yes its me tuts you were one of 4people who still call me that the others been mims chippy and rammy .makes me smile when ever yous say it dunno why lol.
    im lost for words ped makes a change eh .
    rest in peace ped.
    sleep well nite nite .Irene xxxxx


    Hi all…. I have just literally found out about this from Mims, my dear friend, and cant express how i am feeling right now. To say its a shock is an understatement, and i wish i could post all the good convos Andy and i had together…but you know what he was like, they were wayyyyy to rude. Blimey it seems like so little to say i cared for him deeply, and believe had we known each other in our day to day lives, we would have been best friends, i am crushed, as all who knew him must be, and i wish i could be there for you mims, physically, as i know how much you meant to him, from our last chat. Christ, Look after our AndyPandy, and keep the ole sod happy, eh Miss you forever Andy ( and not like that hole in the head!)

    Hugs Mims, you know how i feel about yourself, and ped, and i couldnt have been happier, until we spoke today, Just know that you are in my prayers, and heart, and i will ALWAYS be there for you darlin, always, you are a special lady….as someone very dear to me once said (((((((((Huiggles))))))))

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