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  • #1053759

    Regret my actions now, feel compelled…some of you have taught me a big lesson.
    Doing this is because messaging does make me nervous as trust issues are my down fall.
    Apology/apologies in which received will never be disclosed by me. However, my response is merely for that: you are much better then most to recognize own faults, weakness, and move forward. That is the best human kindness displayed and have my greatest respects for it. Humans are unique as we all differ in our passions and beliefs. From the bottom of my heart, I do accept, thank you(s)…..

    Being adult and hurting others is nasty business. By us doing this in these chat areas if real or not they are painful. If a parent or not, is this the type of example we want to represent to our own children when they come to us for advise when they are bullied among own peers in chat forums? How do we truthfully be honest then providing advise?
    (Sure some will attack me,and no am not staying here. Offering of peace/understanding..)

    How does an adult change a mold from their youth and upbringing which journey and paths in most cases provided by loving families? This includes any one considered in a family unit.
    When I decided to come in the chat rooms, had hit rock bottom. Never doing this wanted change, try something different. When saying things, meant it. When disclosed things meant it. Keeping active/busy are truths, as helping others seem I can do much better. My personal issues like some of you as well are overwhelming and can not find any resolve. Do not drink or take drugs, but do drink some and smoke Marlboro’s. Have no mental illnesses but keep busy for the exact reasons disclosed above coping mechanisms. I have settled again. I have birthday coming up soon, aging well it is a number, but makes you think each new year. Not regretting as most likely would do same thing again. Only wish though could have been perhaps better controlled.
    I apologized with the last discussion in as a truly sensitive thread made me feel personally threatened. Put yourself in my shoes please if you read underlying information providing great fear. Your own area with terrorist issues. I have felt for you. Taking an area and use it in which 911 disclosed, being there,and involvement took me way over the chart. Yep fear never can I express fully unless lived in it or not. 6 times lived it, no joking matter. And to tell some one to private chat while others can read would this too also not provide fear for you too in my position. For your Country.
    Be well all, thanks for experience. Running for politics was ruff and honestly bad at times. Survived walked away with a heart. Here, felt lower then low the way ripped apart. Politics can be better rooms should have difference of opinions but not destroy those who wish to share and offer help. Thanks for learning lesson. First and last….

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    You take the rough and the smooth, linda.

    We all do. We’ve all had bad times here, wiht the lies and accusations, soemtiems the truth even lol.

    Some have expressed doubts as to whether you’re a name-hider.

    Honestly, i don’t know.

    But I take everyone as they appear, even though it’s obvious that some use more than one name.

    I’d go bananas, or grapefruits, or blossoms otherwise.

    Stick in as long as you can take it, and when you feel like shooting your gun, take a break and then come back.


    Had to be you…you have been kind. Yes I am very honest. Down fall, parents taught me not to lie.
    If you remember or any others reading my posts, newbie. No one knows I joined a chat. Many who have asked me before here, Don’t engage that is why went outside. My profession as well, safety protocol. Was trying to be careful.
    So many of you are good with the computer stuff. Mistake I made if had expertise, provided real name. Should of changed it with a false one and different green picture with teeth used.. And my licenses and such very different picture from years ago. Renewing my driver’s license recently my picture and me not even close. My friends always say if I ever do this type of chat or join do not be too honest or what should do. Did I listen? Nope..did not want anyone to know so did not ask was 2 in morning at work.
    Provided much information if you are a researcher which think you like politically driven. Read what is now being said. Very scared because of an individual here in these chat areas. How many minutes from City..who are my neighbors in my back yard? Who have I battled with in business arena? Sharing where I go hiking in the mountains providing names, and those I run in to when hiking. All 15 minute drive from my home! Your favorite glee club..hee hee no, not that senior choir! Lord was way to close to my home. Highest taxed County in the nation. No, would not lie especially to a person like you. Discussed every step in some form on how to a get on ballot here for political office. Many people do not know how unless want to run. Time frames, very complicated. Petition signatures, number needs for each party.
    Democrats/Republicans/work families/Independence parties. Remember said Independent..Have been since 19 years old not wanting to beholden to any party line. Make sense. I know much in this regard. Tried twice. Others who don’t care, do not know real work involved.

    Rough,- mistakes and fears,trust. Get hurt alot. Wall builder.

    Smooth I have passion for what I do. Care too much.

    My licenses are in tacked. Weapons removed 10 years ago. Prefer the bow and arrow honestly. Little less harmful. Too many crazy people steal, vandalize homes, do not want any one hurt due to what I own. Took a lower level at work, so hee back up comes with me. Let them use own bullets and count at end of day. Safer for me. I do use handcuffs, trained. Do not want to break wrists. You know you could do that if not properly trained. Yep…no lie.
    With the apology comment and statements, and because of lessons, kindness, and you responded.
    Hope you do not get screwed cause you came forth with honesty and provided comments.. know you are a big boy, but I care. So let everyone have a field day on me. Hey American some do not like me, remember.. Asking who ever reads, please do not insult my friend if he is. I shared enough tears here. Very stupid of me…..


    What a load of bollocks Linda….suck up to Scep all you like to be quite honest he is usually the paranoid one and I’m sure he will agree with that statement…..I was the one who initially said you aren’t all you claim to be and a few of my fellow posters agreed……you claim to have a top secret life/job whatever yet give out so much information because asked and put it down to your honesty? Geees gimme a break (in her best American accent)……there are all sorts of people online…..JC included…which is cool…very cool…..what I think is quite abnormal is someone elses normality….which is also cool but you do find that people who harp on about being honest blah blah blah usually are not…..with you its my gut feeling…..not that it matters to anyone else one way or another

    Like I said…I am going through my “cant bite my tongue ” phase….its rarely comes to the surface but when it does it does….I cant  help it

    Babble on all you like….and no I’m not giving you permission you neither need it and I’m certainly no authority to give it….but really?


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    I got warned by the site owner Martin, to shhhhhhhhhhhh, might be my last night. Was fun, ish, I know one thing, I won’t do an Alfred and make ANOTHER Id. You lot take care. x

    You did?…I have read the thread and cannot think why….oh well :unsure:

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    Moose thing you said ‘And buddying up with a foul mouthed bitter, jealous woman to big up your ego?’ – am I the foul mouthed bitter jealous woman?  Or is the foul mouthed bitter jealous woman Blossom?

    If you meant me, are they my ‘issues’ or do I have more besides?  Since you are obviously some kind of mental health professional maybe you could explain since you have randomly chosen to include me in this thread in a derogatory way which I see as unprovoked and unnecessary.  You have a beef with Elvis, don’t include me in that.  Me and Elvis are friends in chat, do not presume that I do not have my own personality and cant make my own judgements.  I already aired my disagreements with him over drinking around page 11 so for you to post stuff up about me is not only unfair but actually very twatish of you.  I have no need to be jealous of anyone here since I am – lets face it – not ugly.

    Argue the toss with him if you feel the need but leave me out of it thanks – now who looks bitchy and jealous??





    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by  Sairs73.
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    Don’t lower yourself to it’s level Sarah xx


    Am I the only one who doesn’t even bother trying to read Linda’s posts?

    Actually, Linda is the only one here that makes me feel stupid, that’s because I can’t understand a word she’s on about 😎

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by  Elvis..
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    Am I the only one who doesn’t even bother trying to read Linda’s posts? Actually, Linda is the only one here that makes me feel stupid, that’s because I can’t understand a word she’s on about 😎

    Count me in on that one  :yes:

    3 members liked this post.

    Am I the only one who doesn’t even bother trying to read Linda’s posts? Actually, Linda is the only one here that makes me feel stupid, that’s because I can’t understand a word she’s on about 😎

    Count me in on that one :yes:


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