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14 November, 2007 at 6:08 pm #293052
@forumhostpb wrote:
Look this is all very long-winded. All Pikey want to know is … is it immoral for a couple of blokes to dress up as girlies and shag each other up the shitter?? I mean, ffs it doesn’t merit a bloody great essay does it???
Precisely! But PB not all gay men dress as women, that is so not the case! I like the big butch bikers myself :P They are the most subservient 8)
14 November, 2007 at 6:09 pm #293053@forumhostpb wrote:
Look this is all very long-winded. All Pikey want to know is … is it immoral for a couple of blokes to dress up as girlies and shag each other up the shitter?? I mean, ffs it doesn’t merit a bloody great essay does it???
Strangly enough PB I was going to ask the very same question. I wasn,t going to put it quite like that though. :roll: :wink: :lol:
14 November, 2007 at 6:12 pm #293054@ubermik wrote:
@slayer wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
Morality is subjective tho
Each person has their own set of morals so to THEM anything at all they find morally abhorent IS immoral, but that is no more a universally true view than that of someone who thinks the same thing ISNT immoral based on a different personal morality
So no, I really cant see why these things trouble you really, I cant see why other peoples preferences, likes or dislikes should be of the slightest concern to you whatsoever to be perfectly honest
As I wouldnt expect you to feel a need to change YOUR views just because someone else doesnt agree with them its EQUALLY reasonable for you to not expect someone else to change their views simply because you dont agree with them
So “if” (as I’m not convinced) you ARE infact gay then thats “it”, youre JUST gay, youre nothing special, you being gay doesnt make you any better or worse than anyone else and it most certainly doesnt make your views or opinions any more important or valid than anyone elses
If you cant accept other peoples views when they are different then you really give up the right to expect anyone to accept your views too
The word “hypocrite” springs to mind
Morality..for the individual….may be be subjective but for society it becomes objective, particularly in law. We may not agree with its objectivity but are required to abide by its rules and regualtions or pay the penalty as a result.
Hence paedophilia is subjecyively immoral to most but subjectively moral and indeed natural for some. However society has placed a boundary which is legally defined, objectively, as one not to be crossed. hence with murder, incest etc etc etc.
If society, as a generic whole not as a myriad of individuals who are live, work, and sleep togehter, accepts the rule of law as objective (as indeed it must to maintain its stability without descending into anarchy) then it must recognise or at least accept the objectivity of morality in a legal sense. This acceptance therefore directly affects our sense of right and wrong over many many centuries and defines our nation’s character. It develops and evolves during that time to accept fundamental changes in law and will eventually take the viewpoint of the law.
Hence homosexuality has only been legal for 30 years or so and hence we still have a viewpoint of many, formed by legislation and society’s view of right and wrong, which believes its wrong- society cannot metamorphasise overnight- it cannot wholly reneg on its committment to what is believed to be right until the 1960’s only to be then told “oops, we think we were wrong on this one”
Homosexuality is not “wrong” because society says it isnt “wrong”. Individuals will say homosexuality is wrong because their views, as an individual, do not have to conform to society’s view. Give it a couple of centuries Pikey n we’ll have a gay black prime minister
Wasnt that entire post just a tad pointless slayer?
Considering that murder and the inherrant difference between something thats legal and something thats ILlegal was adressed in the later exchange already but instead you had an inate need to go back to the earlier post, act as tho it hadnt been clarified and state pretty much exactly what I had already expanded on anyway?
Were homosexuality ILlegal then at this moment in time it would and should be treated like paedophilia and murder UNTIL that law changed
But as its NOT illegal its not the same
Obvious really
Err..I don’t see in any post above mine anything qualifying WHY poofters are considered immoral as per the title of the thread
Reading on one of your further posts… homosexuality is legal now and this was achieved through social change HOWEVER social change is not the same as societal change. Just because like minded, liberal, activists believe something to be wrong and effect a change in law does not automatically mean society accepts that change nor revises its view of the “crime” as was
Hence my post stands as valid and an answer to Pikey’s thread topic
Poofters are considered immoral by society, as a whole, because society’s opinion, as a whole, is formed by centuries of law and constraints and that view of immorality is not changed overnight just because homosexuality became legal.
14 November, 2007 at 8:22 pm #293055I don’t think it’s at all immoral to be gay or to indulge in gay sex. Not being gay myself, I find the idea of sex with another man as unappealing as I find eating cabbage. But, like the cabbage-eating analogy, it is not wrong or immoral, just something I wouldn’t want to do.
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