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  • #223767

    and all this time people have been acting like there’s something wrong with ESC addiction :lol:

    I love Romania too! this year’s song is a great song!!! I just listened to it… 8)
    Tornero – tornero… :-
    I also liked Latvia’s acapella band Cosmos 8-[ I love acapella music :oops: And I thought that Albania was good too (now that I admit to be weird :lol:)

    I think Sweden has been stuck to the ABBA-kind-of-bubble-gum-pop for too long now :roll: (just the kind of music I hate… I hated Estonia this year too). I can only sing Carola’s this year’s song in Swedish (weird enough it doesn’t sound as tacky in Swedish than it sounds in English :-s maybe becaus Swedish is so tacky language :lol: ) Ingentin kan stoppa mig… ett ögonbickt – ett kort second… 8)


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    i liked Sweden’s song…ohh..must have been about 3 year ago i think.. it was sung by Charlot…and the song was called…take me to your heaven….

    deadly song.

    Romania’s song this year was pretttyy cool.
    but the one they had last year was just the bomb. god that was a deadly song.

    Bosnia… they are coming along nicely the last few years.


    I loved Deen from Bosnia Herzegovina!!! in 2004 :D that song In the disco… Donna Summer copy, but damn catchy
    “Music is what I want, music is what I need, kiss me and turn me slow, up and down – here we go!” :lol:
    I still remember the choreography 8-[ always dance it when I’m drunk… :oops:


    “…because I want to stay all night…in the disco!” :lol:

    he was so gay :lol: I love him 8)

    that’s my drunk dance :oops:


    OH MY GOD.. :shock: :shock: :shock:

    we must be long lost twins or somting. :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    that song was sooo bleedin deadly..

    you just couldnt help but get up and dance around the room when it was on. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    i dont realy like spain any more.

    they used to come out wiht he odd good song every now and then…but the last two years…..ggggggggggrrrrr…..pure crap.

    who elce was good….emmmm..

    im no good at remembering names :roll: :roll: :roll:

    emmm…oh oh oh..i have a song in my head…but …..i cant quite remember it…hang on..ill think and then ill get back to ya.. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    yeah, Spain sucks nowadays. I’ve always hated Las Ketchup so you can only imagine how happy I was to see them this year :roll: grrr… :x horrible!!!!!!!!

    I loved Israel last year :) Shiri Maymon was the singer… can’t remember how you write the original title but in English it was ‘Time to say goodbye’. I thought it was a beautiful song 8)

    finally I know it’s time to say goodbye…


    bb…that’s not even funny..

    that’s exactly who i was on about. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    i had to play the tape, because i couldn’t remember how the song went. :shock: :shock:



    I know the lyrics in Heprew 8-[ just love it so much 8) :D :D :D godness it’s B-E-A-utiful!!!

    this is dedicated to the ESC :lol:

    “Holding on until the next time, I can’t get you out of my mind
    If you were a drug, I’d be addicted to you
    Every time that we say ‘goodbye’, I just die a little inside
    How’d I fall so hard? – I’m so addicted to you”


    I just remembered that Laura did the voice of Megara in the Finnish version of Disneys Hercules :D :D :D my favorite cartoon character 8)


    rakastaa mä en saa…


    oh god..what was the name of that song..

    oh shyte…

    emm….it was the girl with the long brown hair…..and the group were in warrior costumes….

    ohhhhhhhhhh for god sake jenny…think…think….

    oh oh….its on the tip of my ……no. no..its gone :roll:

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