im 27…..i have two brats…sorry kids…one is 7..and the other is 2….a husband…a cat….and lots of anoying friends…
eeemm..i love sex….dont get out a lot…….i dont work cos i am recovering from a hip operation…but when i do work i am a teachers aid..(adult education)….emm…did i say that i love sex??
oh..and i cant spell because i have dyslexia……so if i have made some spelling mistakes there is no point in trying to correct me…because i wont have a clue any way. :roll: emmmmm…what elce is there…..oh yea…i love sex….did i say that yet?? :lol: :lol:
emmmm….oh yea…i have a brain like a goldfish….and dont remember jack shyte about anything…..
oh….and i love sex.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
so there you go…thats me.