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  • #6737


    Look here peeps i am drunk, and i still have 3 btls of wine and 2 johnsmith to drink before my room is alcohol free, so i need discusion(spelt rong but like i give a flying hoot)

    please entertain me i am in the mood for a laff and fun. don’t do serious just wanna have a laff.

    fasty m8 come and lets have a meaningless convo lol


    so you on your own or did you bring a few girls back?



    Well that would be telling, but i can’t sleep lol, and my bed has a few bumps in it :lol:


    @oss wrote:

    Well that would be telling, but i can’t sleep lol, and my bed has a few bumps in it :lol:

    Couldnt ya fine the loo again ya drucnken c00nt :twisted: :twisted:



    @sunny wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    Well that would be telling, but i can’t sleep lol, and my bed has a few bumps in it :lol:

    Couldnt ya fine the loo again ya drucnken c00nt :twisted: :twisted:





    @dizzywussie wrote:


    who are you then?



    Good question, lets tie her up and gag her till she tells us Matty :roll:


    You drunk no prob, sweet babe, enjoy contact with you,
    Peter……. :)



    :shock: who are you :?

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 15 total)

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