@eve wrote:
o now . Cosythepyschotw@t want to really take me on ??
Takes a deep breath and considers the best way to really use my wicked tongue/mind.
Could it be that i can tell about cosythepsychotw@t who lies and pretends to be divorced when he is still living with his wife 3 days aweek? the same cosythepsychotw@t who has a gf of 13 years who he continually pretends to break up with? the same cosythepsychotw@t who uses his gf like a fkng puppet , to lie to ppl as an extension of his lies? The same cosythepsychotw@t who is a totally fkng W@ nker who is ranting about pple pm/text etc etc etc? NAME THEM W@ N KER!!!
to put it bluntly, cosythepsychotw@t is a lying , attention seeking fkng w@ nker !!!
That enough for a start???
That’s what you call going on one,well done :lol: