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    Reading some more stuff since posting this, seems ISP’s are not happy about doing this. It is going to burden them with extra costs to put in place equipment to monitor everyone, and if it’s costs them more they have said it will have to charge customers more.

    Also the other idea put forward from the movie and music industry is to make the ISP’s charge everyone more as a way of compensation for downloading material. Which ISP’s will pay the music and movie industry.

    Why is it the UK would be the first for “green taxes” and now this. They are idiots to think piracy is to blame for everything. American Gangster movie is a fine example of what i’m talking about, a bootleg copy known as a “DVD SCREENER” was released on the net a few weeks before it came out for cinema, it seemed to be a very popular movie. When it actually did come out on the cinema, it grossed U.S. Box Office: $130,127,620, the movie industry themselves said they believe the reason it made so much money (apart from it being a great film) was due to the copy going round the internet, that people loved the movie and wanted to view it in the cinema. Which just goes to show people do want to go to the cinema, but they dont want to go an watch utter sh!t and pay for it.

    Music and movies are the same in 1 aspect as any other product, if it’s a great product it will sell itself, if it’s utter cr.ap, nobody will pay for it. So how these industries can claim they are losing money for things which most people would not buy in the first place is a joke!



    I,m all for protesting about these things chicken but cutting your knackers off seems a bit drastic. :lol: :lol:


    @anita Gofradump wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    @smiley wrote:


    There,s one here Tommy. link

    The top 5 downloaded movies is out of date aswell lol, all old now lol, New rambo film didnt even make it into top 5, im sure it would :D[/quote]

    Have you seen it yet? It’s brilliant, can’t believe it didn’t make it. Machine guns ripping people in half and everything! Got it on DVD.. downloaded it from QuickSilverScreen.

    This new law is a bit of a grey area though, because illegally downloading is a vague term now.

    Is watching films & tv shows streamed online legally classed as ‘downloading’?

    For example,

    …..You can watch these streamed online without downloading them. Who would be the ones held legally responsible? The webmasters? The people who upload them? They can’t possibly ban every single person who watches them streamed online, they’d have no customers left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Ive been listening to radio 1 today

    sorry to hear that

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