@will wrote:
i think wake up as a point. it seems a bit shady postin a thread and sayin u dont like readin that persons posts, dispite em not actualley doin anythin wrong.
why not either say who it is… or just not read them and keep it to urself.
its like a attempt to seek attention and i shud know lol :lol:
Will, I never resort to personal insults like that, and I did say that I appreciated it was more my problem than the poster. I didn`t and wouldn`t name them, if anyone cares they can ask me can`t they?
The main point of the thread was a) to find out if there was a function enabling me to ignore a persons posts, and b) what other people do if they don`t like posts.
Just as a note, Wakeup, I don`t think the poster is a knob, I just disagreed with a fair few of the posts, so calling them a knob would be slightly arbitrary :wink: