Boards Index General discussion Getting serious If you could ……………….

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  • #1108904

    It’s times like this I wish PB was still here. he would have wiped the floor with you.


    Annihilate would be the word I’d use lol


    Ever hear that expression…when some says “Do not” oh my just to do!

    My mom especially would say “IF you don’t listen..wait till your father gets home..if you do that after I say will be grounded for a going better not…” providing some little examples..

    So when some one says I am two (2) people and as long as I stay away..not mom look on me now.. you recall all those times I did anyways…. so I engage in this site with people from areas you and dad both loved to visit on your holidays..imagine that dad..this guy calling me a troll! Does your daughter sit down when false accusations made about her? Not know I take no doo doo dad..Does he have some form of mental impairment..oh excuse for many to use for attention seeking..lonliness..unhappy…

    So Hugs as we have all said..basically the troll population of JC.. which are need to move forward and stop threatening a business owner with your VERBAL ABUSE and evidence writing… Don’t worry be happy at your other site… hey maybe you can be patrol for other what you feel trolling is.. as I will not tolerate your threats of THIS JC SITE..YOUR BIAS OPINIONS AND REPORTING..see how long it takes to make new friends… :bye:

    Linda I have told you not to type to me go and troll someone else.

    If you didn’t want anyone to type to you, you would leave for like ever and ever so we all wish you well and sincerely hope you enjoy chatting in your other wonderful site. Dismissed!

    What a shame that a former guide is now become a troll.


    hugs is completely mental bless him


    Nov 4th, 2:42:47 pm



    Hugs claims to have pms with guests trolling him but quite clearly no guest is capable of starting a pm  so it’s clear who starts these pms in order to get material  to send to Martin playing victim again as an adult baby. Why would hugsandstink be PMing any guest if he’s the victim of abuse? Its time this toxic turd was flushed down the jc lavatory so threads can stay on topic instead of post after post whining about trolls… it s been  18 months of this crap .


    Hugs u out now as 557 in f3. You playing?

    Yet more trolling by linda. I have had a look through the chat at the time you have put here and I can not see any chatter 557.

    If there was a chatter 557 then either any post by it have been removed or you have made it up.

    I have not been here but on another site. I have not been here since my post on the boards at  2.35pm

    If there was a chatter 557 and it was removed then maybe the guide who removed it can confirm that it was not me.


    Hugs claims to have pms with guests trolling him but quite clearly no guest is capable of starting a pm so it’s clear who starts these pms in order to get material to send to Martin playing victim again as an adult baby. Why would hugsandstink be PMing any guest if he’s the victim of abuse? Its time this toxic turd was flushed down the jc lavatory so threads can stay on topic instead of post after post whining about trolls… it s been 18 months of this crap .

    Explain where you got that screenshot then, as I have never had a PM with you in that name and only with the trolling spamming lowlife that the PM belongs to it means that the lowlife spamming troll is you.

    Again Martin check the IP addresses.


    I got the screenshot because you pm me every time I’m in F2 you deranged idiot with spamming gibberish from gay insults to telling me you’re closing the place down. You seem to take great pleasure in coming in invisible so no one can see you on the list and PMing everyone with threats to close the site down- why not do it then instead of whining about it continually? I can understand people arguing but cant get my head around a 60 year old acting like this, whats wrong with you ffs? It’s actually depressing knowing there are people like you in society and reinforces a cynical view on humanity in general that you are even allowed computer access. You’re insane hugs- it’s evident to all of us you need to be institutionalised as a matter of priority.


    I got the screenshot because you pm me every time I’m in F2 you deranged idiot with spamming gibberish from gay insults to telling me you’re closing the place down. You seem to take great pleasure in coming in invisible so no one can see you on the list and PMing everyone with threats to close the site down- why not do it then instead of whining about it continually? I can understand people arguing but cant get my head around a 60 year old acting like this, whats wrong with you ffs? It’s actually depressing knowing there are people like you in society and reinforces a cynical view on humanity in general that you are even allowed computer access. You’re insane hugs- it’s evident to all of us you need to be institutionalised as a matter of priority.

    Martin please check and you will see that there has never been a PM between me and this troll QuintessentialParadox



    Hugs if you like UK Chatters soooooooooo much just stay there.SIMPLES

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by  somer1.

    Ever hear that expression…when some says “Do not” oh my just to do!

    My mom especially would say “IF you don’t listen..wait till your father gets home..if you do that after I say will be grounded for a going better not…” providing some little examples..

    So when some one says I am two (2) people and as long as I stay away..not mom look on me now.. you recall all those times I did anyways…. so I engage in this site with people from areas you and dad both loved to visit on your holidays..imagine that dad..this guy calling me a troll! Does your daughter sit down when false accusations made about her? Not know I take no doo doo dad..Does he have some form of mental impairment..oh excuse for many to use for attention seeking..lonliness..unhappy…

    So Hugs as we have all said..basically the troll population of JC.. which are need to move forward and stop threatening a business owner with your VERBAL ABUSE and evidence writing… Don’t worry be happy at your other site… hey maybe you can be patrol for other what you feel trolling is.. as I will not tolerate your threats of THIS JC SITE..YOUR BIAS OPINIONS AND REPORTING..see how long it takes to make new friends… :bye:

    Linda I have told you not to type to me go and troll someone else.

    If you didn’t want anyone to type to you, you would leave for like ever and ever so we all wish you well and sincerely hope you enjoy chatting in your other wonderful site. Dismissed!

    What a shame that a former guide is now become a troll.


    Gawd still here? What will it ever take for you to get the hint???

    Martin, Martin please check my four thousand and ninety five pm’s to see what I’m saying is true ! Yeah right hugs like he’s gonna take notice of you ! Do you not SERIOUSLY  think he’s got better things to do than take notice of a TROLL like you.  I bet you have very sweaty palms and very wet rubbery lips (it’s how I picture you) right now and are spinning round in your Ikea chair in front of your laptop, raging like a bull at the injustice of all this TROLLING!

    EVERY poster on this board is a TROLL that dares to respond to you! Carry on hugs. You’re seriously giving us all a huge laugh TROLLS, TROLLS AND MORE TROLLS ! When will it all ever end ?

    Do you dream TROLLS? Do TROLLS live under your bed? Do TROLLS  manifest themselves in the schema’s of your mind in every waking hour and  jump out at you from your laptop screen on every site you visit? TROLLS TROLLS and more TROLLS are out to get you hugs!


    Deal with it !!!

    hugs is completely mental bless him


    Nov 4th, 2:42:47 pm

    Ever hear that expression…when some says “Do not” oh my just to do!

    My mom especially would say “IF you don’t listen..wait till your father gets home..if you do that after I say will be grounded for a going better not…” providing some little examples..

    So when some one says I am two (2) people and as long as I stay away..not mom look on me now.. you recall all those times I did anyways…. so I engage in this site with people from areas you and dad both loved to visit on your holidays..imagine that dad..this guy calling me a troll! Does your daughter sit down when false accusations made about her? Not know I take no doo doo dad..Does he have some form of mental impairment..oh excuse for many to use for attention seeking..lonliness..unhappy…

    So Hugs as we have all said..basically the troll population of JC.. which are need to move forward and stop threatening a business owner with your VERBAL ABUSE and evidence writing… Don’t worry be happy at your other site… hey maybe you can be patrol for other what you feel trolling is.. as I will not tolerate your threats of THIS JC SITE..YOUR BIAS OPINIONS AND REPORTING..see how long it takes to make new friends… :bye:

    Linda I have told you not to type to me go and troll someone else.

    If you didn’t want anyone to type to you, you would leave for like ever and ever so we all wish you well and sincerely hope you enjoy chatting in your other wonderful site. Dismissed!

    What a shame that a former guide is now become a troll.

    Gawd still here? What will it ever take for you to get the hint???

    Martin, Martin please check my four thousand and ninety five pm’s to see what I’m saying is true ! Yeah right hugs like he’s gonna take notice of you ! Do you not SERIOUSLY think he’s not got better things to do than take notice of a TROLL like you. I bet you have very sweaty palms and very wet rubbery lips (it’s how I picture you) right now and are spinning round in your Ikea chair in front of your laptop, raging like a bull at the injustice of all this TROLLING!

    EVERY poster on this board is a TROLL that dares to respond to you! Carry on hugs. You’re seriously giving us all a huge laugh TROLLS, TROLLS AND MORE TROLLS ! When will it all ever end ?

    Do you dream TROLLS? Do TROLLS live under your bed? Do TROLLS manifest themselves in the schema’s of your mind in every waking hour and jump out at you from your laptop screen on every site you visit? TROLLS TROLLS and more TROLLS are out to get you hugs!

    Deal with it !!!

    hugs is completely mental bless him


    Nov 4th, 2:42:47 pm
Viewing 10 posts - 101 through 110 (of 112 total)

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