Pilot the first passenger flight to the moon; and at weekends I would work on creating a time machine, in order to go hurtling into the past of a Tuesday through Wednesday and into the future on a Thursday through Friday – Monday being Moon day.
If every job in the world paid the same wage, what would be the point in being an innovator?
Being able to build a machine capable of getting me the hell out of this century..that would be the point. Also discovering the cure for – say – cancer. Y’see some folks don’t work just for the money. :wink:
If every job in the world paid the same wage, what would be the point in being an innovator?
Being able to build a machine capable of getting me the hell out of this century..that would be the point. Also discovering the cure for – say – cancer. Y’see some folks don’t work just for the money. :wink: