personally i have been on here for the last 6 years twonks come and they go but the gebuine friendly ppl tend to stay or come back from time to time the guides do their job and do it well to the best of their abilities they receive a lot of abuse from the twonks that go in the rooms a lot of it users dont see as they get it in PC
i know being an ex guide my self my hat goes off to them on doin a good job Keep up the good work and before someone says im ass lickin think about it how many times has a scroller been ejected when u have been in the rooms and being bitter about being ejected for being a total loser and disrupting the room tells me that some people need to go visit a psychiatrist
u all have to bare in mind that GUIDES are also normal users who u could be good friends with and when u slate that guide your slating ur friend
like TT said USE THE IGNORE BUTTON its easier and its more peaceful for other users