Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat i would like to say im sorry

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  • #229045

    @hermangrrrman! wrote:

    @lou-lou wrote:

    ffs got me crying now babes , and im sorry too , we have both been a couple of silly mares and listening to other people instead of listening to each other , ive missed you so much and of course everything is sorted, you know how much you mean to me and to the little one and im so glad we talked things thro , and today was lovely, it was like old times at work and for the first time in mnths i came home with a smile on my face xxxx love you loads hun xxx

    i love lesbians………….

    u bin listenin to mine n sunnys msns agen herman???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


    @pats wrote:

    @hermangrrrman! wrote:

    @lou-lou wrote:

    ffs got me crying now babes , and im sorry too , we have both been a couple of silly mares and listening to other people instead of listening to each other , ive missed you so much and of course everything is sorted, you know how much you mean to me and to the little one and im so glad we talked things thro , and today was lovely, it was like old times at work and for the first time in mnths i came home with a smile on my face xxxx love you loads hun xxx

    i love lesbians………….

    u bin listenin to mine n sunnys msns agen herman???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    yours n sunnys msns????? PATS UR DUMPED i fort u woz mine!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :wink: :wink:

    no hugs fer u my girl :evil: :evil: :wink: :wink:


    by the way lou lou n care bear, well done you 2 for sorting it xxx friends are important xx

    hugsssssssss xxxx


    thanx cath……

    i thought i would start a sorry post not only because i wanted to say sorry to lou lou but also because many people fall out and find it hard to say sorry…..hopefully this will get people on there way and make it a better place……….if not,well hard lines.


    @cath 55 wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @hermangrrrman! wrote:

    @lou-lou wrote:

    ffs got me crying now babes , and im sorry too , we have both been a couple of silly mares and listening to other people instead of listening to each other , ive missed you so much and of course everything is sorted, you know how much you mean to me and to the little one and im so glad we talked things thro , and today was lovely, it was like old times at work and for the first time in mnths i came home with a smile on my face xxxx love you loads hun xxx

    i love lesbians………….

    u bin listenin to mine n sunnys msns agen herman???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    yours n sunnys msns????? PATS UR DUMPED i fort u woz mine!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :wink: :wink:

    no hugs fer u my girl :evil: :evil: :wink: :wink:

    sorry to caff fa 2 timin her……………….. O:)


    =; =; =; [-( [-( :lol: :lol:

    hugsssssss xxxx


    Cath at least she dont charge you by the hour ffs :roll: :roll: 8)


    @sunny wrote:

    Cath at least she dont charge you by the hour ffs :roll: :roll: 8)

    caff gets freebies.cos she IS THAT GOOD….. ner ner sunny. :lol: :lol:


    I wanna say sorry to my husband for punching him on his bad shoulder last night. I was avin a nightmare, and punched him one!! Bloody funny it was! :lol:


    @sunny wrote:

    Cath at least she dont charge you by the hour ffs :roll: :roll: 8)

    sunny birmingham city football club???? me home town brum!!!!

    hugssssssssss xxxx

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 22 total)

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