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  • #266928

    @oss wrote:


    You may wonder why i ask this. The question why can open so many doors? Why do we do this, why do we do that?

    But the question i ask is the biggest of all.

    Why do we live?

    I look at my life, love lost love endured and love grasped.

    I have suffered a bit more than most, yes i have had a typical life. My mother and father divorced when i was a teen and i got throught that. then after a while i joined the army and through different conflicts saw my mates go. I have witnessed death on numerous scales. I have had the good will of laying my seed. A son and a daughter to follow on in my foot steps. So why am i here now. My presence will not cure the world in any way. I just absorb natural resourse than the world it self cannot afford.

    I am not saying i should die, but why should i live.

    After all my children are here to carry on for me. My humour or extremely good looks are not enough for me to carry on. Though i would like them to be. But lets be realistic. The world is dieing, Me being here does not benefit the world. I am not a tony blair, or a bush. My word counts for nothing. I have done my duty and procreated. Surely my job is done.

    And the best thing about it is, if i did go today. There would be no one that missed me, because i did my job to the letter, feck all consequences and never made mates :D

    After all the job is more important than the person.

    But fear not….. i will still be here tomorrow, a lil bit less caring, and a lil bit less soulful, but if i have something to say. Then i expect no one will pay attention. Because I like you here are not worthy of a voice. If we was, we wouldn’t be here in the first place. :D

    Be happy whilst you can, and enjoy what you have, for it may not be there tomorrow. :wink:

    your first paragraph says you have suffered a bit more than most? hmmmm in your circle do you mean? a lot on here could tell you horrific childhood stories so yes you had your traumas oss but by no means in my opinion did you suffer more than most.

    we all see our freinds dissapear oss , im in my fifties and people who have touched my life or people I have been freinds with (older i mean lol) have gone , i have been fortunate enough tho not to see people die in horrific circumstances althoug iwas there when my mum died :cry:

    No matter how old your children get they will need you, and, when your time does come they will mourn you as our children do. I dont know your situation as to whether or not you see your children but beleive me later on they will want to know their dad, and if your not here who will answer their questions about their dad.

    Thank god your not George Bush or Tony Blair one each of them is enough lol . As far as why are you here? you are here for a reason oss, you are here cos your mum and dad wanted a child, you are here to father a son and a daughter , you are here oss for a number of other reasons. Everyone who touches peoples lives does so for a reason. Just live your life and see what happens, do you read a book and say I’m not going to read another cos I already have read one and they are all the same, yes they are innasmuch as they contain a number of pages and several words but each one is different just as lives are different from day to day who knows what tommorows going to bring?

    lol yes you are a good lookin lad and you do have a good sense of humour, how do you know that your humour one day may brighten someones day , someone who thought they wouldnt laugh again?

    Hey and if you did go today lol i would miss yer , yup this old girl likes readin yer posts.

    Oss life is a gift not a right, and one of my favourite sayings is: life may not always be the party you expect but while your here you may as well dance :wink:

    so young oss lol pull yerself up by yer bootlaces and start enjoying the ride :D



    Oh i enjoy the ride, i was just merely thinking out aloud, thoughts that run through my head lol.

    Sorry about the i suffered more than most, The meaning behind that is that i have had Cancer twice, and in the first gulf war (Op Granby) i had a very close shave.

    So i do appreciate ife more than most and see more than most when i see people squander opportunities t enjoy it.

    I push the boat out and live it to the fullest i can.

    I just have a bad habit now and again of writing what is in my minds thoughts. It was just a question. Not a statement.

    Thankyou for your comment cath, and cheers for the good looking :wink:

    Though you must stop my head is big enough as it is :lol:


    pml we all have thoughts running through our heads lol tis a bugger when the voices argue wiv each other or all want to talk at once pml……..

    hey you , we never know what the bigger plan is i woz give 12 months to live back in 2002 but hey im still here!!! I reckons I’m still here to p/iss people off by givin em hugs pml……



    Well my mates with their squaddie sense of humour have me in stitches lol over my past illness. Though they never let me for get it now. As my nicknames are Cancer Smudge lol and CRB (Cancer Ridden B*stard) lol

    Oh and they keep hinting that i will never die, i will still be down here in my hundreds. I think they over estimate my ife span lol.

    Glad your still here aswell :D


    @oss wrote:

    Well my mates with their squaddie sense of humour have me in stitches lol over my past illness. Though they never let me for get it now. As my nicknames are Cancer Smudge lol and CRB (Cancer Ridden B*stard) lol

    Oh and they keep hinting that i will never die, i will still be down here in my hundreds. I think they over estimate my ife span lol.

    Glad your still here aswell :D

    get ur keyboard u pulled!!!! pmslllllllll xxx ;)



    @cath 55 wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    Well my mates with their squaddie sense of humour have me in stitches lol over my past illness. Though they never let me for get it now. As my nicknames are Cancer Smudge lol and CRB (Cancer Ridden B*stard) lol

    Oh and they keep hinting that i will never die, i will still be down here in my hundreds. I think they over estimate my ife span lol.

    Glad your still here aswell :D

    get ur keyboard u pulled!!!! pmslllllllll xxx ;)

    Now now, please their are children watching :lol:


    @oss wrote:

    @cath 55 wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    Well my mates with their squaddie sense of humour have me in stitches lol over my past illness. Though they never let me for get it now. As my nicknames are Cancer Smudge lol and CRB (Cancer Ridden B*stard) lol

    Oh and they keep hinting that i will never die, i will still be down here in my hundreds. I think they over estimate my ife span lol.

    Glad your still here aswell :D

    get ur keyboard u pulled!!!! pmslllllllll xxx ;)

    Now now, please their are children watching :lol:

    :shock: :shock: :shock: they logged in already???? :wink:



    @cath 55 wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    @cath 55 wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    Well my mates with their squaddie sense of humour have me in stitches lol over my past illness. Though they never let me for get it now. As my nicknames are Cancer Smudge lol and CRB (Cancer Ridden B*stard) lol

    Oh and they keep hinting that i will never die, i will still be down here in my hundreds. I think they over estimate my ife span lol.

    Glad your still here aswell :D

    get ur keyboard u pulled!!!! pmslllllllll xxx ;)

    Now now, please their are children watching :lol:

    :shock: :shock: :shock: they logged in already???? :wink:

    :roll: :roll: 8)


    we’ll just have to use sign language or big words so they dont understand us :wink:



    Don’t forget to hide the dictionary :lol:

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