oh KING u did called ECHO stupid……then i seen ECHO type (KING!), maybe that is fixed now thou, i think people maybe should not use jc or any other site if they are not fully controll of there brain, as they will potentially be horrible to other chatters, i have had probs with people drunk and or stoned online, i am not botherd if they are, just dont be a insulting idiot, and if u get told by someone u was a insulting idiot, when obv you are sober, then maybe listen and dont ignore that, as people dont need bs from other chatters for no good reason, if people keep doing that when they know from one or more people they was a insulting idiot for no good reason, then stop being selfish, just keep logged out when u have no controll of your mind.
i have lived with 2 people who argue, drank alc every day, and had that horrible smokers plhem clearing thraut and cough things, nmv the other bs i had to deal with, related to them, i ? this like for example people i like on jc, say hyperthcally i met them, i blv they will have at least one thing that will piss me off.
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