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30 January, 2023 at 12:48 pm #1146858
but she wants to go on a Cruise with me! Firstly I have no wish to go on a cruise , the idea really does not float my boat (pardon the pun). She mentioned it again yesterday and said a 10 day one looks good. 10 days!!! I mean I love my mum beyond words and I would do anything for her except a cruise! We do clash if we spend alot of time together, nothing sinister or major just niggly things. Oh and she said she will pay for it all!
So what would you draw the line at with loved ones?
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30 January, 2023 at 3:16 pm #1146860Im really not a family party person at all. The thought of going to lets just say a 40th birthday party i just cant do.Happy to bump into them in the street or pub but not the family get together.
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30 January, 2023 at 10:42 pm #1146865Too too funny.
My parents and I initially were going over to uk for a 21 day excusion tour. Sadly my dad got sick, mom 3 months later. Their trip cancelled but mine stayed in tacked. Extended so to speak by travel agent.
Funny we did do weekends here and there.
Funny they do their thing lol my brother and I third wheel so to speak. Some times they stayed up later then myself or brother and his wife..we roar with laughter as both usually early risers slept later
Guess it depends on the parent or parents. Dad go fishing with my brother. 3 ladies went shopping!
Thought of 3 weeks together did bother me but well my family are lovers of sight seeing so was I that a plus
Kenty I think they have 3 day cruises..or 4. Better than 10..yes?
Guess we have to bite and grin it sometimes. When no longer around u may feel that should of could of thing and feel bad u didn’t. Make sense…
Look into shorter trip. U satisfy u
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31 January, 2023 at 7:51 am #1146871For sure I will look into a 7 day Linda, 4 might be too short for her satisfaction
I also pointed out she is in India this year and I may have to follow her for a few days, and that I have holidays planned. She said we can go next year if she is still alive (love a parent guilt trip) trip…pardon the pun…jeez …..I have already asked a few friends if they also want to come!
31 January, 2023 at 10:23 am #1146872I think you should go Kenty
Here is a stat for you the chances of us being here is so small you might as well say its Zero. If you put a number to the chances of us all even existing i think its astronomical like 3 trillion to 1
So we are all special and the very short time we have on this planet is even more special and if your mum is paying for you and you get a wonderful experience with your Mum on a cruise its a memory that you will be able to hold on to for the rest of your life.
It will make an elderly lady very very happy and you never know your Mum might love it too.
I only joke lol
But what i am getting at is you don’t want to find your self regretting one day in the future, for not taking this opportunity and experience with your Mum,. So i say you should go on a 7 or 10 day trip
Do it ,get it booked (and why not bring a friend if possible and get the best of both worlds)
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