Boards Index General discussion Getting serious I JUST WANNA CHAT

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  • #1136594

    hi im a man looking for a bit fluff on the cheap theres nothing on here so i thought id try ukc

    oh thats not counted sorry theres about 4 ex jcers that could be

    you know who i mean :yes:


    “me looking for a man on here are youhavinga laugh im just here to chat

    pass  me the cough drops luv

    or in your case the werthers originals


    Is this supposed to be humorous?  A slur against females oh how comedic.

    Does no one have any decent threads they could start?   What about the old members who had music talents or poetical talents or even the ones that just had a brain?

    What an awful shame that now it appears to be only two people (most probably the same dopey pillock typing to itself) creating threads or dragging up old ones that were crap back then and are still crap now.

    Creativity and intelligence can rarely be faked, these boards are currently a very good example of this fact.

    Also this thread should now be renamed from ‘I just wanna chat’ to ‘I just wanna chat shit’.






    woh steady on alfie lad i did say it was a no offence thread

    and it seems its only you thats taking exception

    whats up ? not  getting enough attention

    aww  bless your string vest x




    Most brains on here are pickled in aldi vodka by 10am  B-)

    But I’m going to try work pass it  :good:

    After watching Last Week Tonight with John Oliver who talked on the issue of national debt.  The UK has exceeded £2 trillion for the first time; at the end of July 2020debt was £2,004.0 billion, £227.6 billion more than at the same point last year.

    Mr Oliver who supports Manchester city football club  :wacko:

    Argued increasing government  borrowing was a good idea if that money was used to create more jobs and opportunity. The point Mr Oliver made was:  all business started off borrowing from banks.  So lets say you want to built a factory, you borrow 5 million and if the business goes bust you still have a factory.

    Well a bad business idea will never work no mater how much money you throw at it.

    And we have seen this time and time again with government funded programs.  You only need to look at the cost over runs on HS2. A 2019 freedom of information request revealed that property costs are forecast to reach £5bn, compared to the original £1.1bn estimate alone.

    The HS2 project wont cut pollution or removed the needs for road improvements over the next 20 years. All of our goods travel by road, not rail.  Its really hard to see any benefit from this £106bn rail project.

    This is a typical infrastructure project Mr Oliver was keen on and wants to see more of.

    My own feeling is the government could have created the same number of jobs by updating our run down prisons.   Keeping people in poor living conditions for years is a form of slow torcher.

    Or maybe increasing social housing  stock and encouraging older people to move out of unsuitable housing into those that meet there current needs.   Freeing up thousands of 3 or4 bedroom homes across the UK and returning them to family use once again.

    If governments going to borrow billions in our name, lets get value and spend that money on projects that will clearly benefit our society.

    Not getting a few MP’s home a bit earlier on the weekend  :whistle:





    Most brains on here are pickled in aldi vodka by 10am

    You don’t serve Aldi Voddie on your 12-foot yacht?

    Mr Oliver who supports Manchester city football club

    Random c**t!

    Keeping people in poor living conditions for years is a form of slow torcher.

    Don’t slow torch people! Say no to a lynching by fire!

    social housing stock and encouraging older people to move out of unsuitable housing into those that meet there current needs.

    Brilliant idea and will produce the 250,000 1-2 bedroom houses/flats/bungalows which is the property most in short supply in the sector.

    If governments going to borrow billions in our name, lets get value and spend that money on projects that will clearly benefit our society.

    Will you get round to naming those projects or are you just teasing?









    Oh sorry mebad. DOA wants to spend 2 trillion on 1,000,000 new prisons. 🤒


    Hi Ge baby  :heart:

    Being a real sailor I drink home made wine made from my own urine  :good:

    After being invited by the Prison Reform Trust to tour a few local prisons in the past… there not fit to keep dogs, let alone people. Staffing numbers are way to low and self harm is common place.  At the moment the only thing prisons producing is more damaged & dangerous people in socially    The whole system needs updating and more investment or only the numbers of victims will increase while billions are wasted on maintaining crumbling run down buildings.

    Right now there seems to be cycle lanes popping up all over the place. The government is spending millions on them.  For me there a waste of money that could and should be better spent.

    So where would I spend the money?

    Lets start off with more ambulances and staff ? While most car and commercial vehicle operators are changing over to more “green” vehicles our current ambulance fleet polluting by still using desal.  Is it that hard to produce an electric or hybrid ambulance?

    Saturday on the horizon there was one of the tall ship used to train young people.   It was a lovey sight to see in the channel with 3 masts.  I think it was run by the tall ships youth trust.  Programs like this take young people out of a toxic environment and place them in a positive one for a while.  If we want to end the knife crime epidemic plaguing our cites we need to prove to young people there  only value and skill. Drugs and crime isn’t the only way to get a head in life.  Life maybe be hard for them now, but they don’t have to be once there older.

    So Ge what’s your ideas hun?







    After being invited by the Prison Reform Trust to tour a few local prisons in the past… there not fit to keep dogs, let alone people. Staffing numbers are way to low and self harm is common place.

    Hello Sailor,

    DOA darling, have you been hiding under a rock for the past 11 years of austerity? Or during Blair’s reign, Major and Thatcher?

    All the above shove/d petty criminals and people with substance abuse issues etc into an ever-increasing prison population that is much cheaper than providing treatment in the community (MHS) and which has also been systematically starved of central government funding over many decades

    Right now there seems to be cycle lanes popping up all over the place. The government is spending millions on them. For me they’re a waste of money that could and should be better spent.

    Green renewable energy is the future sailor, there has been a major boom in cycling both electric and standard. Where would you suggest those people ride their Ebikes safely? You want more gas-guzzling poison in the atmosphere and not less?

    Followed by this-

    Lets start off with more ambulances and staff ? While most car and commercial vehicle operators are changing over to more “green” vehicles our current ambulance fleet polluting by still using desal. Is it that hard to produce an electric or hybrid ambulance?

    Whilst I totally agree ALL government/state vehicles should be green or crossing over to green/hybrid you still don’t seem to deem 42% of the population (green) cyclists as very important, do you? Not only green but healthier, therefore, saving the state the actual cost of the cycle lanes you despise based less short/long term health issues. The health benefits to the nation more than pay for the cost of safe cycling space.

    It was a lovey sight to see in the channel with 3 masts. I think it was run by the tall ships youth trust. Programs like this take young people out of a toxic environment and place them in a positive one for a while.

    I totally agree with the vision, unfortunately, tax-avoiding scoundrels like you don’t want to pay more tax to support such schemes on a huge scale. Those same kids still return to shit holes, crime-and drug-riddled estates, 2nd class housing, second-class education, etc.

    Do you seriously think sitting on your yacht once a year while you tell them tales of how you chased Moby Dick for 5 days and 5 nights will solve those deep-seated complicated issues?



    Babe you know I only hide in bushes  :yes:

    Austerity years from 2007 onwards hmmmm….

    I think austerity is the wrong term for this period in our recent history.   Yes there was a financial crisis globally and government did bail out banks.

    But in this same period the government spend money on:

    2 new aircraft carriers and f35 jets which are just coming into service now.

    A new airport in Saint Helena which is a military landing strip in all but name.

    Contributions to the EU and UN increased.

    Wars of choice in Afghanistan and Iraq along with funding various UN peace keeping programs.

    No one in the “white hall bubble” lost there jobs and numbers increase.

    Scottish & EU referendum’s.

    The “austerity years” should be seen as the rise of nationalism  within he UK at the expense of public services.  Government taxation and borrowing still increased while local councils saw there budgets slashed.   State pensions & benefits were frozen and capped.  Police & prison staffing funding was cut back to the bone.

    And I pay the same amount of tax as Amazon  :whistle:








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